Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Angry Black Woman's Society Memo:

*disclaimer*Ray's gonna be tight at me for this one. Send your friends in Europe my love. It's just jokes, I mean no harm.

I had a few drinks with a friend last night and some how we got on the topic of ball players and successful black men and the whole dating thing. First we just started off by rambling on how we would never seriously date a ball player, and then it drifted into the interracial dating discussion. As we talked, we began to figure out if black women, some black women, are really upset about this. Don't get me wrong, I see a lot of cute brotha's out there with a white girl on their arm and I'm like "damn, she know she got her a fine one", but that's about it. But now that I think about it, I do that when there's a cute brother with a sister, so I guess I really have no strong feelings towards it. But my friend and I talked and we both agreed that most sistas would not have a problem if some white girls would just do the following:

Attention: This is to all the white girls who want to have black girlfriends but can't because they're dating a real brother or a "wonder brotha".

1. wonder brotha- noun
black man or any man of African decent who uses the lame excuse that black women are too difficult and white women are easy in order to justify the reasoning behind dating other races

*To be a black girl's friend after dating a brother, you gotta be hot. Not like Angelina Jolie type a hot, but pretty close. We for some reason like her. Just be beautiful and a little crazy

*You must be fierce in style and confidence. The dress code must be on point. It's not the fact that you're dating a black man that gets most black women, it's the tackiness and lack of style that gets us tight. It's like, stop shopping at the clearance rack at Marshall's and TJ Max, step it up to Loehman's or Off 5th, that's where we go.

"Hey Giirrrl" (in black girl tone), "Hey Girlfriend! (black girl voice)", "I love your hair, I wish my hair could do that", "Have you listened to Jay's latest album", "We must go out together so you can show me how to shake it like "B"!", "I love Denzel Washington (he's fucking off limits, you got us with Micheal Jordan)"........... Will can love him!

*Oh yeah, on the confidence part, when you get that notorious evil side grimace from a sista when you pass by with your man, make sure you stare that evil bitch down. Never let them see you sweat! You get way more respect and support that way. Let em know you aint' the one.

*Don't ever say that your own hair looks nappy! (Not because of the Imus bull shit, just because it sounds ridiculous)

*Don't get too comfortable where you feel you can call us "bitches", like on some Paris Hilton type of shit: "You're so my bitch". That ass will get dismissed and embarrassed with a quickness

*Oh yeah, Barak Obama is off limits too!

Just a little help to my white sisters, I come in peace!
For the idiots who feel that every comment made by one black chick stands for all black women, take it easy, I'm woman enough to take the fall for this one.

Peace and Blessings,

Eddie Nicole
Rush Chair of ABWS
AIM: vanitygirlsix

9 Vain Comments:

Anonymous said...

Why Angelina?
She a bullshit artist, who's about a bunch of nothin'. With her lumpy ass lips. She gets no love from this sister. To my sisters from another mother, the don't let us intimidate you part is right. Don't get beside yourself though. Remember the golden rule: Checketh thy self, before you recketh thy self.

Anonymous said...

E- you wrong for that shit. You crazy as all hell for that. Keep em' coming!

Anonymous said...

All in favor, say I!! I totally agree! I never can understand why black dudes that "crossover" don't get jazzy white chicks. Especially when it's obvious that they would be way more intolerant of mediocracy from a black woman. Oh, this is Rocky!

Ashley said...

LOL @ the golden rule!


to Rakel. Isn't that what we have always said for years. I'm just happy I'm one of the few to actually voice it.

Anonymous said...

I wish Barak would fuck wit a white girl. You know the whole community would totally turn they back on his ass. I guess it's so normal and in your face these days with athletes, it's like who care? Ya'll need jump on the corporate white guy train.

Anonymous said...

LMAO LMAO! So funny!!! I TOTALLY AGREE! I was just having this conversation with a friend of mine the other day! Nothing gets under my skin more than a wack snowflake with a hot brotha. I think Sistas need to start exploring other options as well, I'm just sayin....

CoCo Benitez said...

Damn...y'all kept the shit real w/ that one.....Particularly the statement on being hit it right on the money. I almost forgot the best part: WONDER BROTHA.....that shit is classic!

She Her Me said...

Hallelujah! Can I get a witness? Preach on, my sista...
Girl I am trippin off that "wonder brotha" definition!! hahaha. I can't stop laughing.