Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's About Time!!!!

Rap Lyrics Cleanup

New York hip-hop record producer Russell Simmons says educating up-and-coming talents is one way to smooth some of the rough edges on their lyrics. (The sports community used this same approach with up-and coming professional sports players) That's a thought. What about stiff penalties also? For every N word 2million dollars a pop.

It took Imus to realize the difference in rapping and being a poetic really means. If we don't respect our woman, mother, sister our friends, why do we expect anybody else too?

We have been trying to convey this message for years about rap lyrics. "It's about dam time"
It's true we are the only group of people who degrade our women, calling them gold diggers, whores, and bitches. (But all along we are strong, educated, independent and supporting to our men) I feel there are a lot of men who are insecure with themselves and the only way the can feel empowered is to call woman Bitch and whores. If we support and feel it's ok to call our women these names, How can we be upset when another race feels it's ok? "Because it's only hip hop everyone is using it now" (Remember, small minded people, who don't venture out of their own world only know what they see and hear).

Simmons and other music industry executives met this week to discuss what might be done to end the crudity endemic in American society, and why rappers shouldn't be held accountable any less than shock jock Don Imus was for his racist remarks about the Rutgers University women's basketball team.

Ms Ray


What do you think?

1 Vain Comments:

Anonymous said...

I agree, about time someone is taking a stand Ms Ray