Tuesday, October 23, 2007
WTF Tidbits: James Lipton
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 12:40 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole, James Lipton, Pimp
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
This is Freakin' Me Out Man!!!
Is this a joke or has Jermaine Dupri been a little person his entire career and I never received the memo.
Ciara's crackin' up and I can't tell if she's laughing with him or at him so I'm hoping this is a joke....but I just can't find Jermaine's real legs behind the fake midget legs....but wait, look at his hands. Maybe this is a midget that happens to look identical to Jermaine....Damn this is wild.
Someone please...I Want Answers!! And don't give me the camera angle bull shit!
On a more serious note
R.I.P. to the homie Big Moe...you will be missed
I know this is Vanity Pages and we keep it siddity over here, but I'm a Houston, Texas by way of Mo.City native and when I heard of Big Moe's (real name Kenneth More) passing I was saddened. The SUC (Screwed Up CLick) has had yet another loss. If you are from the south, then you know DJ. Screw, Phat Pat, and Big Hawk...all members of the SUC and all have since passed away. At age 33, Big Moe is the latest casualty of a supposed heart attack. His hits were "Barre Baby", "Purple Stuff", and the Houston classic SUC collabo "June 27". He will be missed!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 4:10 PM 2 Vain Comments
Labels: Is JD a Little Person?, RIP Big Moe, WTF TidBITS: Eddie Nicole
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A Little Taste Of Sex In The City The Movie
Sex and the City:
The Movie, The Clothes!
For those of you who want Sex and the City: The Movie to be fresh and new, look away (until May 30th, 2008, when the film is released). For those who cannot resist a look at what the fabulous foursome will be wearing around Manhattan. I loved Sex in the City, so when IN STYLE posted the up-coming movie fashions of Sex In The City, I couldn't resist. What do you guys think? (Samantha Looks Fab in the red)
Classic Carrie

Kim Cattrall, who stands 5'9" tall, gets an extra lift from liquid silver peep-toe pumps. Never shy in demeanor or dress, Samantha is eye-catching in a taxi cab-yellow jacket.
(She Looks So Great) Love this outfit and shoes
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 6:48 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's Fashion news update
Friday, October 12, 2007
Real Talk
R. Kelly is wrong for this shit!
Wow, what can I say. So "ARRRA" has really steeped to new low levels(as if he couldn't get any lower). He's looking a little disheveled. Damn! Where are you Dave Chappelle? We need a spoof on this, actually he spoofed his damn self. This makes me kinda' sad. I can so hear Lisa Raye talkin' at the other end. Real Talk!!!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 4:56 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole, Nigga Shit
The Excited-O-Meter: The Movie Edition
I got this idea from Blender magazine.
American Gangster
Denzel Washington has yet again aroused the hood by bringing another gangster story back to Hollywood.
I recommend not going to any Magic Johnson Theaters because the lines are going to be crazy long. And you know how we love to talk through movies. Showing: November 12
30 Days of Night and Why Did I Get Married?
30 Days of Night- All Halloween lovers must be totally psyched (I know that was so 80's of me) about this movie. Being the horror movie lover october baby that I am...I can't help but get anxious about this thriller. I hope it doesn't let me down like 28 Weeks Later. This may be bootleg worthy....I don't know. Showing: 10/19
Why Did I Get Married- Hopefully bringing back the real black love stories and drama that had us feeling good during the Love Jones and The Best Man era. I'm feeling real good about the cast and this movie. I am definitely going to support it by not buying the bootleg.
Showing: Now 10/12
May Suck a Mean One-
Rather watch Martin DVD's all night.
Feel the Noise- The fact that it's produced by J-Lo further lets me know how this will be a waist of anyone's time. If I even hear of any one my friends or associates going to see this movie (which I won't because my people are cool)...our friendship will definitely be in question. Do we really need another HoneyYougotServedSavetheLastDance movie? I'd rather watch the dance scenes from The Last Dragon 50 times before seeing this one. Sorry O fans...this one will be a total dud! Showing: Who Cares?
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 2:45 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole, The Excited-O-Meter
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Supahead on the Jaime Foxx Show
Ya'll must check out Supahead on the Jaime Foxxhole radioshow.
They are so off the chain!
They even get Tigger on the phone and talk about the gayness that he's supposed to be.
Click the link below
Jaime Foxx The Foxxhole
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 2:02 PM 0 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole
Monday, October 01, 2007
Gosh...I hope she's ok!!
I found this on Kanye's Blog
Ya'll know how I love a good fall...ENJOY!!
Introducing: The fall of the Grape Lady
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 12:36 PM 4 Vain Comments
Labels: Grape Lady
Sunday, September 30, 2007
WAKE UP !!!!
Black Americans and HIV/AIDS
Black Americans have been disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS
since the epidemic’s beginning, and that disparity has deepened
over time.Blacks account for more HIV and AIDS cases,
people estimated to be living with AIDS, and HIV-related deaths
than any other racial/ethnic group in the U.S.1,4 The epidemic
has also had a disproportionate impact on Black women, youth,
and men who have sex with men, and its impact varies across the
country. Moreover, Blacks with HIV/AIDS may face greater barriers
to accessing care than their white counterparts.Today, there
are approximately 1.2 million people living with HIV/AIDS in the
U.S, including more than 500,000 who are Black. Analysis of
national household survey data found that more than 6% of Blacks
in the U.S. were HIV positive, higher than any other group.
Although Black Americans represent only 12% of the U.S.
population, they account for half (50%)of AIDS cases diagnosed in
Ms Ray
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 7:55 PM 1 Vain Comments
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Crack Files: Home Made Videos
The Punk of the South
I just wanna give a shout out to my best friend, the other Raquel, for emailing me this. As much as I hate to exploit black people on this site, I feel this is necessary. Really it is not black folks that we or I exploit, it's more so Niggas, if you know what I mean, and this is some real nigga-shit.
This brings me back to the days when my friend Raquel and I would make up dances in our living rooms. We've been friends since the second grade....and I am about 26, so that means we were dancing and singing to Salt N' Pepa, The Good Girls (Remember that Mackity Jack), The Boys, B Angie B, ABC, Tevin Campbell, and Tracy Spencer, just to bring some memories back for you old heads, (and yes you are an old head if you know at least three songs from any of these artist). It was cute because these were popular songs that we heard on the radio, and we really thought we were great enough to perform in front of family and friends. We had the outfits, the hair, and everything.....
But now in 2007, the game has changed. Folks got it all twisted and f*cked-to-the-up! Now we have Youtube and all hell has broken loose.
We got little boys performing as Beyonce here (which I thought was hilarious), Crazy white folks who wanna get a deal for a tv show here....No one gives a damn! anymore! Lets just air our dirty laundry....DAMN!
I guess I am adding to the fire by posting this stuff, but if I didn't, it would ad to another boring 5 minutes at work...Am I right?!
But this sh*t takes the cake. Who in the cracked out-wanna be-Cameo-Remy Ma lookin ass told this broke down looking drag queen and his entourage to perform and post it on youtube. I've seen some great Drag shows, but this is a disgrace to all my Drag divas out there
I...I cant say anymore....I recommend not to even watch this all the way through...it's just not right.
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 5:27 PM 4 Vain Comments
Labels: Booty Bounce, Crack Files, Punk of the South, We gotta do better
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Dolce & Gabbana Fall 07
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 4:08 PM 0 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's Fashion news update
Do You Remember Billy Jo Jive
When I ask people did they read "Billy Jo Jive the super private eye" as a kid? They would look at me like I'm nuts. But, I've found him!!! I forgot about the cartoons. He was so popular back in my day. As a kid I enjoyed reading Billy Jo Jive books so much, that often I couldn't wait for the nexted caper. After all these years, I've found it and now I know it wasn't a figment of my imagination! I was beginning to wonder.
Do You remember Billy Jo Jive!! ?
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 3:38 PM 9 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thank you PBS...
I want to thank PBS for giving me an up to date report of what is going on in Jena, LA. I’ve been reading many articles online about this case but it kept telling me things I already knew about it. (Eddie Nicole also did a post on this a while ago click here to get info on it b/c I’m about to talk about this and you should look at the post and video so you can get up to speed on this issue-I’m too mad to play catch up today) I wanted to know what was going on today, who showed up at the protest, what was said, how did the crowd react and how did the town of Jena react to all of the people. Now granted I haven’t been home all day glued to the TV, but I can tell you after being out and about today running errands and getting back home looking for coverage of the Jena six I failed to see anything between the hours of 3pm and 6pm. I did however, see countless reports about OJ Simpson who I could give a flying f*ck about right now. Im tired of hearing about him and I refuse to entertain his situation anymore-I’m mad I even said his name!
Now back to business…
I FINALLY saw a thorough report on PBS with commentary and EVERYTHING. In the PBS report, it was said that the citizens of Jena, LA (mostly white residents) were saying that the case was giving the town a bad name, that they are “a good town with church going people” and they were saying that this has turned into a racial thing and it had been blown out of proportion (run on sentence, I know, bare with me). Ummm, ok? Let’s see, nooses were hung from a tree that the students named the “white tree” (because that’s where the white kids sat during lunch and such) and you don’t consider that “racial”? Puhlease! Ok, fine…while race does play a large factor in the case, we can omit it for a brief moment only because the fact still remains that the two parties involved in the series of events were not punished fairly. It’s been reported that the District Attorney, Reed Waites says that racism wasn’t a factor in the prosecution because there were no LA laws that were in place to give the white boys a greater punishment (the white boys only got suspended from school for what they did)-but there were laws however, to convict Michael bell of attempted murder for taking the gun away from the white boy and then beating him up. I just want to know why the white boy was not charged for attempted murder for pulling out the gun in the first place or at least charged with assault with a deadly weapon? I’m no attorney, nor am I in law school, but I took the damn LSAT-that should give me a lil' credibility, right? lol-so something I’m saying has to make sense! So with attempts to look at this from a non racial standpoint, if it were two personified fruits in this situation (apple and orange) you mean to tell me that apple who took the gun away from orange, who actually pulled it out in the first place, would be charged with attempted murder and orange would only get suspended from school for a couple of days? F*ck that! I’m mad! Man, people in New Orleans and Mississippi are still displaced and homeless from Katrina, the Jena six are being treated unfairly, I can't stand my boss, Nicole Simpson can't rap! Ok, I’m digressing, the point of this post was to discuss the coverage or lack of coverage for the Jena 6 case/protest. I’m done…you get my point! Throws macbook down and leaves the room. End scene.
Despite all of this, I’m still livin’, laughin’, and lovin’ (Mama just didn’t raise no fool) Lady A ☺
*No macbooks were harmed in the typing of this post, the author spent too much of her own money to actually harm her precious Apple…it was only stated for dramatization.
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 7:19 PM 10 Vain Comments
Labels: Jenna Six, Posted by Lady A, protest
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Introducing: Mr. Dontrelle Alowishus Washington (pronounced: WARSH-ing-TON)
Don't hate on my kitty kat, Dontrelle. He's cute and the new addition to me and Eddie Nicole's home. Now let's get to the business. We purposely named him Mr. Washington because I noticed that my beloved brutha's and sista's (lol) can't ever seem to pronounce words with R's in them right. Maybe its a southern thing but I find it hilarious. Have you noticed that words without R's in them seem to be placed in the word and words with R's in them seem to be omitted? Need an example, here you go:
"Girl, go wash those dishes" becomes, "Girl, go warsh those dishes"
or at church...
"We invite you to worship with us..." becomes, "We invite you to wusshup with us"
better yet, the word "church" becomes, "chuch"
"Let me introduce you to Mr. Washington" becomes, "Let me introduce you to Mr. Warshington"
and last but not least, one of my personal favorites...
"I need to do some research on the computer" becomes, "I need to do some research on the compruter"
What the hell people!!?? So that's why Eddie and I decided to name the kitty Dontrelle Alowishus WARSHington because a person with the name Dontrelle Alowishus would probably pronounce their last name as Warshington!
*One more thing...big shout out to Leon over at listentoleon.net for making my soul sister Eddie Nicole the winner of his photoshop challenge-Eddie's got the graphic design skills to pay tha bills! (corny I know, but whatever!) You gotta check this dude out, he keeps me laughing everyday!
Live. Laugh. Love. Lady A :)
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 4:52 PM 2 Vain Comments
Labels: black folks, kitty kat, mr. washington
Monday, September 17, 2007
Crack Files: B*tch Pleazzzz-a!
Although I am not a fan of posting random homemade youtube clips. I thought this was crazy as hell. I haven't posted anything Crass on here in a while. How many times in a day do you say "Bitch Please"? I think I say it at least twice a day to at least two of my girlfriends. Those two words can mean so much in so many different ways, and our new friend below displayed this perfectly. Forget that he looks coked out and crazy, it is the way he says the second and third "Bitch Please", those are my favorites! This definitely will have a place in the Crack Files
Like every gay man, I am sure he has a stable of black and/or spanish girlfriends. He has the attitude with the head and everything. Biitch Pleeeazzz-a!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 2:26 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Bitch Please, Crack Files, Eddie Nicole, You Tube
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hump Day: Stop Humpin' Around Part One
First, let me start by introducing myself and thanking Vanity Pages for allowing me to add my two cents to the blog! You can call me Dr. Rocky, I’ll be your resource for all things medical. As a newly minted physician, I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t bring some very important issues to the forefront, so here I am!
Stay Tuned for Part Deux Next Week!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 3:54 PM 7 Vain Comments
Labels: Dr. Rakel Beall-Wilkins, HIV, VP M.D.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Awww Sh*t: It's Going Down! Jennifer Hudson stars in "Sex in the City"
Some major news has hit the media. I am so excited that "Sex in the City" will feature Lil Miss Effie White herself, Jennifer Hudson as Carrie's (SJP) assistant. Her name is Louise (Ooh I hope she's not soulful, the name sounds kind of homely..right!) I can't wait for this movie.
About time they decided to throw one of us in there. Damn! As much as I love me some Sex and this City, I always wondered why the Foursome never had any black girl associates or friends. The black chick, (who happened to be a very attractive cab driver by the way, how many cute black cab drivers do ya'll see in the city), who bought Carrie a hot dog after her book signing was the only black girl with a line a can remember. That shit didn't count to me, but I kept watching until the very end. I longed for Tracy Ellis Ross or Nia Long to have some kind of cameo appearance, but nope. Instead, they gave us fine ass Blair Underwood the role as Robert Leeds, the NBA doctor. Did ya'll catch any discrepancies with this? First of all, it's believable that a black NBA doctor would date a female of the other persuasion. But dating Miranda....I have a problem with that! Miranda is pale, she had that crooked tooth, and she was kind of fleshy and dorky. That relationship was never believable in my opinion. But, I totally love Miranda's character with her cynical attitude. Anyway, I am happy for J. Hud, I was getting kind of worried about her career, since her widely anticipated album got pushed back.
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 4:43 PM 9 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole, Jennifer Hudson
Black 20 yr old woman raped and tortured: Police suspecting it to be a Hate Crime
I know we post a lot about fashion and style. But I feel it is my duty to post horrific tales of racism from all demographics. It just seems that the media won't keep their ear to the street on what's important for us all to see and hear. America's not right and I hope that people will start to realize this. Thanks to concreteloop for posting this. I hope you all pass this story around.
Once again, I can't believe this. The Jenna 6, now this. Wake up America!
“Every time they stabbed her, they called her ‘nigger,’” her mother said.
But whatever the reason, Carmen Williams wants people to know what happened to her daughter. She agreed to talk to a reporter from her daughter’s room at Charleston Area Medical Center General Hospital.
She said a man and a woman — who Megan Williams thought were her friends — took her to the house of Frankie Lee Brewster in Pecks Mill, Logan County.
Megan Williams was held in the house for about a week, police said.
According to criminal complaints filed against six people in this case, she was beaten, stabbed, choked, sexually assaulted and threatened with death.
The details are even more horrible. According to the complaints, she was forced to eat dog and rat feces and to lick up blood. She was made to lick parts of Brewster’s body, under the threat of death. Her hair was pulled out. She was made to drink from the toilet. She was sexually assaulted while hot water was poured on her body, and while a man held a knife to her.
I don't understand. We gotta get the hell out of these small towns! For more of the story, click on the title of this post above and it will direct you to the full story. I will keep this family in my prayers."Yeah they deserve to die, and I Hope They Burn in Hell!"- Sam Jackson in A Time to Kill (that's just how I feel... I'm from Texas, can't help it)
Peace and Blessings,
Eddie Nicole
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 4:18 PM 6 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole, Racism in America, Woman tortured in Virginia
Saturday, September 08, 2007
A Nibbled Pedicure To Eat Away Dead Skin!
Fish Pedicure!
If unconventional — beauty treatments is your thing, You'll love this pedicure for sure. ( I love)
The small fish swim in a shallow tub of warm water and nibble at dead skin, leaving hands and feet smooth. (fish called garru-rufa.) Imported from Turkey, the fish are used in some Middle Eastern countries as a natural way to treat skin disease and rheumatism.(Good enough for me!!)
If you can remember the episode on Ugly Betty, When Vanessa Williams Character received a fish pedicure. Using unconventional — beauty treatments in her ritual in being Fab!!
Would you try this treatment?
I can't wait to try this!!!
When I do try this, my feet are not
coming up until I see blood.
Ms Ray
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 7:48 PM 13 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's Fashion news update
Friday, September 07, 2007
Keisha Vs. Mary
Can Keyshia Cole touch Mary J. Blige? Fans from both camps are comparing the Young Keyshia to Mary in style, swagger, and street cred. I am a huge fan of Ms. Blige. I've been to three of her concerts spanning from the time when she was going through issues with that crack head boyfriend of hers KC of Jodeci to No More Drama...I can say they were all great performances. I like Keyshia Cole, especially that new club banger "Let it Go", but I just can't give her the props just yet. What ya'll think?!!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 10:52 AM 4 Vain Comments
Labels: Keyshia Cole vs. Mary J. Blige, Posted by Eddie Nicole
Tune into Fashion Rocks Tonight!
If you have nothing else to do this Friday, make sure you tune into Fashion Rocks tonight at 9PM ET/PT on CBS.
Check out performances by Alicia Keys, Usher and Mary J. Blige, and Jennifer Lopez.
Looks like fun!
I am sooo feeling Alicia's classy style now. Remember when she used to show up to award shows looking like she just threw on clothes from off the floor of her dressing room...My reactions of her fashion faux paux's were of visceral anguish, so ya'll can imagine how proud I am of her.
Does that say "King of Style" on LL's muscle shirt? Ya'll know how I feel about muscle shirts. I guess that's from his Tod Smith Collection. There's something that aches my heart when big dudes like LL wear too many accessories. Is that an arm cuff he's wearing? HELL-to-the-NAW!....uhhh he looks like he stepped right off of the streets of Washington Heights, NYC, he has the shiny belt buckle with the chain and everything...damn it Cool James!....Dimelo Papi!

Mary's back rockin' the beret...I'm so happy fall is almost here!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 10:03 AM 0 Vain Comments
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Eye Catching Hot Fall Fashion Tends 2007!!!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 9:02 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: By Ms Ray
Now We Know Why They Broke Up!!!!
Sean Combs and ex-girlfriend Kim Porter, in happier, blingier times.Photo: Getty Images
Diddy Fathered another Child!!!
Sean "Diddy" Combs did indeed father a baby in Atlanta, and that's why ex-girlfriend Kim Porter finally left him after twelve years of dating. Turns out the other lady was expecting even as Porter was pregnant with Diddy's twin daughters. "He's not ready to get married," she told Essence, complaining that Diddy didn't believe in monogamy.
Sean Combs and ex-girlfriend Kim Porter, in happier, blingier times.Photo: Getty Images
What an Asshole!! The music and fashion mogul was apparently desperate to keep Porter in the dark about the other pregnancy while she herself was pregnant with the couple's twins. Word was he paid the other mother a million dollars in hush money.
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 8:36 PM 10 Vain Comments
Labels: By Ms Ray, Diddy fathers another child
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Kanye West is Really The Louis Vuitton Don
Well, expect colorful packaging and design for Kanye's new album, Graduation, designed by the bag man himself, Takashi Murakami. Kanye left no stone unturned for this highly anticipated album. Takashi's art can sell for as much as $425,000. It pays to have people in high places!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 9:44 PM 7 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole
1. Shop Intuition $250, 2. Faux Fur trimmed Ivory Cardigan, fabulousfurs.com, 3. Bootie by ninewest.com, 4. Bootie by Christian Louboutin, bergdorfgoodman.com, 5. Paddington bag by Chloe, saks.com, 6. High Waist pants by Chloe
Hey Ladies and Gents,
I hope you all disregard the whole "you can't wear white" thing after Labor day. White will definitely be a regular fixture in the house of trends this fall. You will see white boots, white coats, and handbags for ready-to-wear this season. Since the passing of Labor Day, fashion will kick into full gear starting with fashion week. Although all shows will be dedicated to the spring collections for 2008, be sure to watch out for the latest of the Fall trends from the editors, celebs, and fashionistas on the front row of the shows. Stay tuned to your local style channel to keep up with the latest or just catch Vanity Pages. I will try my damndest to keep you guys on the up and up.
Here is a trend you all should watch "booties". I will post fall trends for men and women this season so keep your eyes open and feel free to let me in on what you guys find out there.
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 5:09 PM 0 Vain Comments
Labels: Accessories Review by Eddie Nicole, Step Your Game Up, Swagger Jacked
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Walk it Out!
It's been a long time...I shouldn't have left you, without a dope beat to step to...
It's been a while since I've posted something guys. Lady A has not left the building, life is getting in the way of me telling my stories, but I'll be back-I got some good ones for ya! Anyway, On this Labor Day Weekend I wanted to give you a lil' somethin' somethin' to make your Tuesday back at the office not so bad. Check out these ladies dancing Fosse style to the Walk it Out Remix ft. Andre 3000! It's hilarious! Whoever realized that the Walk it Out song went perfectly with this choreography should get an award...Enjoy!!
live. laugh. love. Lady A :)
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 9:18 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: fosse, Lady A, walk it out
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hot Bags For The Fall 2007
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 7:12 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's Fashion news update
So Black Hair is an Issue...Well at least at Glamour Magazine!
So that's why it's so hard to break into the white world of publishing. Thanks Beauty Editor lady at Glamour, at least I have answers.I'm not gonna get all teary eyed about this issue. My girls and I already knew the "hush, hush" views towards black girls and their hair styles from the corporate Caucasian sector. It's so lame that this has even come up, but it is reality. For some reason, I truly believed that my natural hair really didn't matter, especially in NYC. I've been going to interviews with top publishing firms feeling real confident about myself and it's sad to actually think that maybe I didn't get the job because some superficial loser overlooked my qualifications for my "political-powertothepeople" hair style. Damn, aint that a bitch!
Let me save up to buy a Chi so I can assimilate to white America! This same issue happened to my mother about 15 years a go. She was a sales exec at Fedex and they told her to take her ethnic braids out after she had already spent nearly $200. My mother was so tight! But what could she do? She had 2 kids to feed. Let me stop before I get upset...lets talk about it!! I expect some good posts about this topic.
The Story- So apparently the Junior Beauty Editor over at Glamour decided to give a group of lawyers including African American women advice on Corporate Fashion etiquette
Here's what the junior editor said to the law firm:
"First slide up: an African American woman sporting an Afro. A real no-no, announced the 'Glamour' editor to the 40 or so lawyers in the room. As for dreadlocks: How truly dreadful! The style maven said it was 'shocking' that some people still think it 'appropriate' to wear those hairstyles at the office. 'No offense,' she sniffed, but those 'political' hairstyles really have to go."
LMAO- she wanted to lose her job. I'm sure all 5 sista's at Conde Nast are calling for her resignation right now!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 1:49 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole, Glamour Editor's Racist Rant, Your Roots Are Showing
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Faux Paux for Danny
I was gonna put this in the Debacles sidebar but I feel that D'Angelo should get some extra days of face time before I do another search of fashion faux pauxs. Danny was and still is one of my favorite America's Next Top model winners. I know she's on her paper chase and everything, but what in the Dress Barn Hell is going on in her world. With her new found celebrity and modeling skills, why would Wilhemenia allow her to do this? Yuck and Gross!! Speak up Girl! You got fans and shit!
I know we've been lax on the fashion post, but don't fret my pet, fashion week and the fall season is right around the corner and we will definitely be in attendance or stuntin from the sidelines. Hey! MAKE IT WORK!!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 4:12 PM 7 Vain Comments
Labels: Dress Barn, Eddie Nicole, fashion week
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ohhh the Pageantry!
This goes out to one of my close friends, Crystle Stewart, for having one of the best thank you speeches for a pageant and also standing strong in faith. I never gave her a deserved Congratulations! So I am going to make it known to all 10 people who read this blog. I also wanted to make fun of Miss Carolina. It's not right, because this was actually I hard question to answer, but she totally flunked this question. Poor Thing! But Crystle makes it look so easy. Love you girl! Mo City in the House! Next Miss USA!
Watch carefully for the "Thank You Jesus"
I totally felt that "Thank You Jesus", because I felt the same way when I...finally....got....a....job...yeah baby!. You know black folks will always thank the MAN!
But over in the Carolina's.....(Listen for the crickets)
And such as, South Africa, and the Asian countries.....such as...sit your ass down! Make sure you watch AC Slater's grin towards the end. He wanted to laugh...I know he did.
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 6:45 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Crystle Stewart, Eddie Nicole, Miss Texas, Pageants
Market Value
Hey guys and gals! I know we have been lax in current post, but life has really kicked it up a notch for all of us and we are all now working on cool new endeavors. As you all know, I was recently a contributing style editor for this new online magazine, well now I've been upgraded to Editor at Large. Things are moving kind of slow at CAUGHT, but I just want to make sure that we are delivering the best work possible...so stay tuned for future issues. I knew I should have kept my big mouth shut with all my cool new ideas! Anyway, God has my steps ordered and I can actually get a feel for where my journey is going. You know how sometimes you want to do something in life so bad, but it just kind of never works out...or you get so close to what you thought was that "dream" position, but it didn't quite work out. And still for whatever reason, you have it in you to keep pushing. I guess you call it FAITH or wishful thinking.
Sometimes you just want something so bad and you want it now, but HE only gives you a taste in doses because you may not be entirely ready to digest the big meal HE has waiting for you. I think of it as a rationing of blessings. I know if I were presented with everything I wanted in life as far as a career and success all laid out on a table right now, I would probably go nuts and exhaust all my fruition from my labors. I might make irresponsible decisions due to my delusions of grandeur and in return not take advantage of the blessings given unto me.
My friend asked me this question...What are you worth? At first I didn't get it...like who really sits and thinks about what they're worth. Can you even ad value to your own self?
She further elaborated...."Remember reading about African slaves being put up for bids during the slave auctions?" This opened up a whole new dialog for me, therefore I want to share this with whoever is reading.
If you were big and strong you were worth this, If you were old and feeble you were worth that... The white folks and even some African "Bendedict Arnolds" thought blacks were worth $200 to over a $1,000 during slavery. If you think about your current salary and who you're working for, that same mentality has not changed.
If you're a black man with an Ivy League degree your worth this....and if you're a black woman with a master's you're worth that...If you didn't go to college your worth this...and so on...
I kind of got off task with this question but it just popped into my head at 10:55 am. What are you worth? Think about all your talents, strengths, and knowledge. If you were doing what you wanted to do as a career, what would you pay yourself, honestly? Are we really using our God given talents to our full capabilities? And if so, are we paying ourselves or Are we settling and just getting paid?
Getting paid and paying yourself are totally different!
Peace and Blessings,
Eddie Nicole
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 10:28 AM 1 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole, Market Value, Real Talk
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Suck A Mean One Old Man!
So David Banner basically told a senior citizen to give him fellatio on a nationally syndicated website. Wow...that really says a lot for the hip-hop generation that Banner is such an advocate for. I'm sick of the whole hip-hop tirades..blah, blah, blah. But what's even more shame is that David later responded back after Al's initial response to the d*ck sucking comment, and took a more respectful approach by writing this letter. The letter makes some valid points...but most of the content shows a lack of responsibility from a grown ass 30plus, big college educated dude....What's shame is that the d*ck comment totally cancels out anything profound he has to say. You can't tell someone to suck a mean one and then try to kick knowledge after the fact...Negroe Please!
One line really stuck out to me: "You don’t scold your child in public without fair warning! ", meaning the elders, i.e. Oprah, Russel Simmons, and Rev. Sharpton, should not call out the youth in public without consoling them first...WTF!!
Well I don't know how David grew up, but I wish my mother warned me before she laid down the law..maybe I could have gotten a head start run before I got clowned in a public...I'm just saying!
I just feel that David disrespected himself by demeaning his own people...no matter how hard he disagrees and disapproves of the permed-out-Reverend...you can't tell a Sr. Citizen to go down on you...that's just rude!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 12:15 AM 2 Vain Comments
Labels: Eddie Nicole, Hip Hop, Suck a Mean One Rev, WTF TidBITS: Al Sharpton
Thursday, August 16, 2007
With One Catch
I know this may seem harsh or controversial, but if one day Baby Jesus decides to come to me in my sleep to reveal my future husband with the great physical traits such as: tall, handsome, and talented...but with one catch!.... he would be a homosexual...I would say alright, but one request
"Yes my child" -says Baby Jesus
me- "Can he be a reincarnate of the sexy Danny from "So You Think You Can Dance"?"
No matter how sexy and handsome a guy is....if he has the slightest homosexual tendencies (example: the gay lisp, arched eyebrows, colored contacts, muscle shirts, man capris), all possible attractions have been reduced to shame feelings of even having those ideas in the first place....Unless he is Danny from the show, So You Think You Can Dance. Man, he's as gay-as-today, but he's so beautiful and graceful. I don't expect anyone to totally agree on this subject...I mean he is gay. He has to be gay. He's way to smooth and charismatic in his dance. He's so statuesque and regal...it's not like I get hot when watching him... well I kinda do... but I just think he's a beautiful gay man and if I had to have a gay husband it would be Danny. We could go shopping and dance to Pat Benitar every night. I would ask his advice on what color I should paint my walls, "Eggshell or Cerulean?" and and and...we could watch Steal Magnolias and Beaches.... and recite lines from the movie Color Purple....and maybe go to plays and vacate in Italy....and maybe I could finally see Broke Back Mountain without putting up a fight....and and....
Just check him out ladies, he's so dreamy... in a light skinded waivy hair T3 kinda way.
Here lies the question, my hardworking slackers...have you ever been attracted to a gay guy? If any straight dudes answer this question...regardless of your answer...you might need to rethink some things about your sexual quest in life.
Goodbye My Sweetness!! (Pun Intended)
Congrats to Sabra Johnson, the new winner of So You Think You Can Dance. She won $250,000. She deserved it. She kicked so much ass on this show, and she had only been doing this for 4 years...I almost don't believe it. Just in case ya'll didn't tune in, Check out some of my favorite Sabra moments
Her partner Neil was sick with his as well!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 11:07 PM 4 Vain Comments
Labels: Danny, Posted by Eddie Nicole, Sabra, So You Think You Can Dance
Foxy Brown charged with assault AGAIN!!!!
Foxy Brown Thinks She Naomi Campbell Or Something!!
NEW YORK (AP) - Foxy Brown’s temper seems to have got her in trouble again.
The 27-year-old rapper, who is on probation for attacking two manicurists at a nail salon in 2004, has been charged with assault and possession of a weapon - her cellphone - for allegedly hitting a neighbour with her BlackBerry.
Earlier this year, she was threatened with jail in a hair salon incident in Florida. Police said Brown threw hair glue at a beauty shop employee.
The latest arrest could lead to her probation being revoked.
"We have filed a violation of probation with the court," said Jack Ryan, a spokesman for the city department of probation.
Brown was arrested Tuesday for allegedly assaulting Arlene Raymond, 25, who lives near the rapper in the Prospect Heights section of Brooklyn, on July 30. Police said the two women got into a fight over Brown blasting her car stereo.
Raymond alleged that a few days later, they passed each other on the street and Brown hurled her BlackBerry at her, cutting her lip and knocking a tooth loose.
What's wrong with her!!
Ms Ray
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 7:20 PM 1 Vain Comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Revolution: What's That
When hearing about devastating racial injustices, like Hurricane Katrina, and the James Byrd of Jasper, Texas dragging, one would say "I can't believe this shit is really still happening?" We all know racism is still alive and well. Of course throughout the present and future days of our time, there will always be a story of some idiot making racial, sexist, and misogynistic epithets (Don Imus, Isiaha Washington, Mel Gibson, Paris Hilton, Kramer-Michael Richards... ring a bell).
Depending on the severity of the racism and whether the actual accused racist is a celebrity or public figure, the media pics and chooses what is news worthy at times. It has been said prime time media doesn't have access to cover stories in small towns due to the archaic technologies of communication in said small town...that's baloney. If we "bloggers" can find these stories..why can't "they"-the media broadcast these issues on a broad spectrum across the world.
With that said, where do many of the heinous racially charged crimes take place?...Usually in small, po-dump, boondocks type of towns like Jena Louisiana... So one would think the folks at the white house or wherever would try to keep a special probe on these racially flagrant towns.
Hence the reason I'm posting this story. As I sit at my little cluttered desk, munching on Ramen noodles, I can forget about how crazy the world is, especially in our beloved country we call America. Check out this independent news clip about the Jenna 6 in Louisiana, you would be...well surprised.
On another note*
I hear people casually mock the phrase "the revolution will not be televised" or "we need to start a revolution up in here"...Yeah Right! If folks really understood the real meaning of revolution...they for sure wouldn't be casually claiming it. One has to be ready to literally die for the cause in order to start a revolution. I ask this question- is there any cause you would die for? Seriously!
I wouldn't know the first thing about a revolution...that's why I never play around with that word or phrase...because it actually meant something. I guess I'm too comfortable. At least I vote.
"Revolution is based on land, land is the basis of all independence, land
is the basis of freedom justice and equality. The white man knows what a
revolution is. How do you think he will react to you when you learn what a
real revolution is? "- Malcom X
For more info on this story visit colorofchange.org
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 1:46 PM 7 Vain Comments
Labels: Jenna 6, Jenna Six, Posted by Eddie Nicole
Saturday, August 11, 2007
I Went to School With This Guy
You ever went to school with someone who you knew would do something spectacular? Well, you may have seen the guy from your left of Chingy on several billboards and magazine ads, but I went to high school with this cat. I remember when "Steph" was the cute crazy guy in school who could sing, dance, run track, and skip classes like no other. I even remember when he took up stripping as a pass time his senior year (Hardbodies....). He's a definite hustler. Steph's a very interesting character with a great heart. Like myself, he's Houston born and Missouri City raised. His music is quickly gaining attention and the ladies...well just look at him...he's fine as hell. Remember Craig David, his sound reminds me of the Brit singer...Steph's just cuter :)
For a while he hustled as a model, gracing the pages of Vibe magazine to name one, acting as the male lead for videos with the likes of Destiny's Child and Faith Evans and now he's doing it way big as the new artist on the DTP label with Ludacris. His video, "Celebrity Chick", has been featured on 106 and park and MTV.
I can say, I'm very proud of Steph for pushing himself to new heights while facing adversity. I wish him the best of luck. Check out his songs and video on his myspace Steph Jones
Yours Truly,
Eddie Nicole
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 11:18 AM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Mo. City, Posted by Eddie Nicole, Steph Jones
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Is It a Bird? Is It a Plane? No, It's a Baby
WELLINGTON (Aug. 8) - A New Zealand couple is looking to call their newborn son Superman -- but only because their chosen name of 4Real has been rejected by the government registry.
Sheena and Pat Wheaton said that although their son's official name will be Superman, they plan to call him 4Real anyway. "No matter what it's going to stay 4Real. I'm certainly not a quitter," the baby's father said.
What is wrong with these people!!!!
Ms Ray
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 8:36 PM 2 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's latest news
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Making Moves

What else? Oh yeah...I'm GLAD to announce my new column with CAUGHT MAGAZINE. It's geared to uplift the youth. So I'm uplifting these youngins on how to conduct themselves with class. Style is easy, class takes skill and time. So Congrats to me... I am the style contributor for the Swagger section. My debut has been featured in this month's issue. I will keep you guys posted on my latest entries. Check out my column...damn it!
I wanna first and foremost thank God, my mother, the academy, and last but definitely not least...THE FANS!
Peace and Blessings,
Eddie Nicole
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 2:44 PM 10 Vain Comments
Labels: Posted by Eddie Nicole