If you have nothing else to do this Friday, make sure you tune into Fashion Rocks tonight at 9PM ET/PT on CBS.
Check out performances by Alicia Keys, Usher and Mary J. Blige, and Jennifer Lopez.
Looks like fun!
I am sooo feeling Alicia's classy style now. Remember when she used to show up to award shows looking like she just threw on clothes from off the floor of her dressing room...My reactions of her fashion faux paux's were of visceral anguish, so ya'll can imagine how proud I am of her.
Does that say "King of Style" on LL's muscle shirt? Ya'll know how I feel about muscle shirts. I guess that's from his Tod Smith Collection. There's something that aches my heart when big dudes like LL wear too many accessories. Is that an arm cuff he's wearing? HELL-to-the-NAW!....uhhh he looks like he stepped right off of the streets of Washington Heights, NYC, he has the shiny belt buckle with the chain and everything...damn it Cool James!....Dimelo Papi!

Mary's back rockin' the beret...I'm so happy fall is almost here!
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