Good morning, good afternoon, or good day depending on the time you're reading this. I have an announcement to make:
I feel it's time for us to step up our work-out plan. Honestly, I have been surprised to see more women of color in the gym working out more than ever before. Due to health reasons and stress, it's a definite priority. We're representing in the gym, so I give us mad Kudos for that.
Although working out for health reasons is great, aint' nothin like exercising and seeing the results. It feels so great when you try on a pair of your old favorite jeans and none of the annoying bulge hangs out. Better yet, when you try on anything fitted and you can see toned skin as opposed to the inevitable cellulite. To all my ladies who have picked up a few pounds and you need a push to get back in the gym, Here's inspiration:I know it's Beyonce and everyone talks about how great she looks. It's not about her, it's about us. I remember when B was thick and a hamburger away....I know we can do it. Hit the gym ladies. Yeah, she has a trainer and eats meals that a pigeon probably wouldn't eat, but this is just inspiration. Beyonce did not always have this body. If you want to look fly and healthy, fine and sexy, it takes hard work. You have to work out at least 3 times a week, at least. And everyday do sit-ups and crunches, it really works. If you're gonna eat at fast food restaurants, eat the salad on the menu, I promise you will feel better about yourself when you see your friends eating those disgusting "mystery meat" hamburgers.
I've been working out for about a month 1/2 straight, and I'm seeing results. I would throw up a photo of how great I look, but I wouldn't wanna hurt ya'll like Get off the couch and give your man something sexy to look at. And if you don't have a man, hitting the gym might increase your game.
I know it may seem shallow to put "B" up here, like she has the most bangin' body. But she kinda does. There's all kind of body types that are sexy, and you may not fit her category. But for myself, she is my inspiration.
Move your ass, go bezerk
Eat your salad, no dessert
Get that man you deserve
The Rev
a.k.a Creflo Jr.
Did you all here about Mase with the transvestites? Supposedly he got into a fender bender with someone while trying to pick up male prostitutes on the popular gay "ho-stroll" on Spring Street, in Atlanta. I'm sure you can find this rumor on concreteloop. What the hell is going on? I thought he was a man of the cloth.
Anyway, I always wondered about Mase's preaching skills. So I did a google search and I found a few clips on youtube.
I don't like to pass judgment on anyone who's "trying" to do the right thing, but as you watch this listen carefully. Where in the hell did he get the southern accent? I know he went to school in Atlanta, but I thought he was from or at least lived in Harlem, NYC for a number of years. Am I wrong? We all know that anyone can jokingly imitate a New Yorker, but a true native of New York can never fake a southern accent, it's scientifically proven. The twang and the drawl is something they can't grasp. Maybe he's not a native. But, what's up with the preacher's tone? He reminds me of a Creflo Dollar...but not as original, if that makes any sense. It's one thing to be a servant of God and minister to people, but it's a problem when a preacher's sermon is constantly about how to be successful and up one's income...and then to throw in a faux stereotypical preacher's voice. It's was too much for me. But that's for another day....Don't really wanna get into religion. One more thing, do you believe Mase? As a Christian, I don't feel that I could take him seriously, but his congregation is so huge, I felt like I had to at least listen. Have any of you been to his church or know of anyone who's listened to him speak? What are your thoughts?