Rihanna is a Cover Girl

Not only is Rihanna a Billboard Award winner she is now the newest cover girl. The ads will start in Summer 2007.
“I’ve loved makeup and dreamed of being a CoverGirl since I was a little girl,” said Rihanna via a statement. “Growing up, my mother was a makeup artist and I was fascinated watching her apply lipcolor, blush and mascara. Now I get to be surrounded by all of my favorites from CoverGirl!” (vibe online)
At 18 years old, she is not playing around-costumes by Dolce & Gabbana, brand ambassador for the LG Chocolate phone, and an album that did very well on the Billboard charts, can't hate on that! So what's next Rihanna? A fragrance and clothing line I'm sure...
If you don't know now you know,

MARTIN The Complete First Season DVD on Sale Jan. 2!!
I don't know if anyone is as excited about this as I am! It's about time! Apparently I'm a little late on this information-I had to share it with those of you who are like me that didn't know. FYI, You can pre-order your dvd on Amazon.com
"wazzup, wazzup, WAZZUP!!!!", "You go girl!!", "Get to steppin'!!", "Cole, sit yo' five dollar ass down before I make change!" I know, I know, I just had to do it.
Here we go again with the N-word...

It all began with Kramer's racial slurs and next was Andy Dick who recently decided to use the infamous word as well. Since then, tmz.com reports that The Laugh Factory has issued a ban on the word and if the word is used, the comedian will be fined $20 for every offense. Damon Wayans used the word repeatedly on stage Sunday night and racked up $320 in fines for dropping the N-bomb. As a result, Wayans is temporarily banned from the Laugh Factory.
Wayans opened his routine with the line, "Give yourselves a big round of applause for coming down and supporting 'N***** Night.'"
Wayans' rep gave no further details other than confirm the fine and the ban.
...And this folks is the reason why I questioned if it was possible for black entertainers to discontinue the use of the word in their comedic acts...
Ving is a Macho, Macho, Man!

Ving Rhames is starring in an upcoming movie entitled I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry playing a fireman who pretends to be in a homosexual relationship in order to receive health insurance. His character, a very macho fireman who is confused about his sexuality, is supposed to kiss another man in the movie. Ving Rhames was appalled at the idea of doing such a thing and totally refused to do it. The producers decided to resolve the issue by grabbing an extra-a tall girl with short hair-who they dressed up in men's clothing. Ving kissed her with out any problems and the filming continued! (source)
I guess his role in Pulp Fiction where he got rapped by the crazy shop owner was enough homo-eroticism for him!
Beyonce says there is no Beef with Jennifer

Beyonce told People Magazine that she and Jennifer Hudson do not have any qualms with one another. She said that she knew that her role as Deena was "less meaty" than Jennifer Hudson's role as Effie and the allegations that claim that she and Jennifer Hudson were at odds with each other because of Beyonce's "jealousy" are false.
Taking the role was about proving herself as an actress. "I'm already a star. I already have nine Grammys. Everyone knows I can sing," Knowles said. "I did this because I wanted people to know that I can act and I can play someone so different from myself."
I agree with B. Why would she be upset about her role when she already has fame anyway? It's obvious that Beyonce is proud of herself and proud of the movie Dreamgirls as a whole. She knows how to share the limelight with everyone-but she is obviously going to stand out anyway just because of who she is. She has no reason to be threatened by Jennifer Hudson's performance and her new found success.