The Young Lioness

If you haven't heard of Teedra or listened to her first album, Complex Simplicity, then you may know the words to some of the songs she's written. She has written songs for Christina Milian (Dip it Low), Mary J. Blige (So Lady, The Breakthrough), and Trina (Here We Go) to name a few. Fans of Teedra are highly anticipating her upcoming album The Young Lioness, expected spring 2007. I am a big fan of Teedra's colorful voice and her impeccable writing skills-I can't wait for the new album to be released! Click the links below to listen to "Blow me Out", a song left off from the Complex Simplicity album and one of her new songs "Take my Love Away" so you can get a taste of what Teedra is all about.
Blow Me Out
Take My Love Away
For those of you who live in the Los Angeles area or will be visiting LA this month-check out Teedra Moses, at BB Kings Blues Club on Jan. 28, 2007. (thanks fusicology)