Just a reminder. The ABWS townhall meeting has been canceled due to the strikes at hair salons across the country. Stay tuned for the rescheduled date!
Since I got that out the way,
What the hell is this negroe talking about?
I found this on a fellow blogger's site Beauty in Baltimore
Dear Mr. Negroe,
What's the problem? Are you joking? Because if this is a joke, you had me rollin like a motherfker. First of all my brotha, we gotta work on your camera game, cause if you're for real, then we need an ounce of professionalism. I apologize to you for all the black girls that teased you all throughout your adolescents. That's just our way of giving back to all the years that we were called nappy headed, flat chested, chicken headed, black as night, and every rude term of endearment by you guys. We knew it was just jokes, so we didn't sweat it. I'm sure you were called African booty scratcher and pink lips so you should understand. So now you're like 35 and living in what looks to be the country by the way your hair is glossing, and you still have your heart on your sleeve. That's kinda lame if you ask me. Hopefully you do have a career. I would hate to find out that you have more of these "Yessa Mam" tapes in your archives, cause' if so, I will personally send you a job application with an extra stamp. The real truth is that black women love anyone who genuinely loves them... Plain and simple. It's not fair to say that all black women have nothing to do with black men, it's just for some reason your cornyness will not allow us to look in your direction. Actually while I'm writing this, I can only listen and not look at your video...real talk.
And I really don't think wonderbread cares whether or not we are taking their men. They're wasting their own time with you. Actually it's never been a matter of us taking we've always been wanted...two words- Strom Thurmond
Take note:
We are way too busy and too fly to put up with the shear lack of swagger coming from your corner. So I hope this was a joke and you were just in need of some black womanly love. And guess what? For the first time in all your life you got the attention from one of the flyest black girls around and hopefully all of the lovely people who will respond to this post. So feel blessed. By the way, if you happen to read this, there is job opening at my firm. Maybe a sister can give you a hand, since we're non threatening and all.
Peace and Blessings to the guy sweating like a slave!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Angry Black Women's Society Townhall Meeting:
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 3:24 PM 6 Vain Comments
Labels: Posted by Eddie Nicole, VP Classics, Warning to Wonderbread
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Ms Ray's Latest News: Gotta Love Spike, Isaiah Makes a Comeback, Fake Degrees
USA TODAY-Spike Lee announced plans Tuesday to make a movie about the struggle against Nazi occupiers in Italy during World War II that he hopes will highlight the contribution of black American soldiers who fought and died to liberate Europe.
The film will spotlight the courage of black soldiers who, despite suffering discrimination back home, offered a contribution that has so far gone largely unnoticed in other Hollywood movies, Lee said.
"We have black people who are fighting for democracy who at the same time are classified as second-class citizens," the 50-year-old filmmaker said. "That is why I'd like to do a film to show how these brave black men, despite all the hardship they were going through, still pushed that aside and fought for the greater good."
Isaiah Is Bionic
Tuesday, July 17, 2007; 12:01 AM
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Actor Isaiah Washington, fired last month from the ABC hit medical drama "Grey's Anatomy" after reportedly making an anti-gay slur, has landed a new role, and a development deal, with rival network NBC.
Washington will guest star in five episodes of NBC's upcoming sci-fi action drama "Bionic Woman," a 21st-century remake of the 1970s series that starred Lindsay Wagner and was itself a spinoff of "The Six Million Dollar Man."( What's that old saying? Oh yeah, I remember, " When one door close another will open". how true it is.) I wish him well in his new role and good luck.
Washington will play a mysterious figure who is brought into the enigmatic scientific organization behind the "bionics" that transform Jamie, and whose own agenda is unclear as he instructs her on how to handle her new abilities."He's a wonderful actor and a great performer, and he became available," said NBC's new chief programmer, Ben Silverman, who was installed as the network's co-chairman of entertainment in late May with Marc Graboff.
Washington, who co-starred as a surgeon, Dr. Preston Burke, on "Grey's Anatomy," was dismissed from the show in June by the producers at ABC Television Studios.
Last year, Washington sparked controversy after a heated argument on the "Grey's" set in which he reportedly referred to co-star T.R. Knight as a "faggot."
Washington denied the report. But Knight, who later came out as gay, said Washington had used the slur.
Despite his public denials, Washington, 43, later met with gay and lesbian groups in Los Angeles, entered counseling and filmed a public service announcement denouncing hurtful speech.

Accused mastermind Andrique Baron, who formerly served as head of admissions for the college, and Michael Cherner, the former head of the computer department, were charged along with a "bag man," and four alleged purchasers of altered grades and fake degrees have been indicted. For at least four years, a pair of greedy college administrators pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from former students who wanted to change F's into A's on their Touro transcripts, prosecutors charge.
But the accusations get even worse. The two administrators are also charged with awarding fictitious degrees to "graduates" who had never once stepped foot in any of the New York-based international college's 29 locations.
Investigators said that for prices ranging from $3,000 to $25,000, students could purchase doctored transcripts and non-students could buy degrees up to a master's.
A Department of Education spokeswoman said three New York special education teachers accused of paying $3,000 for graduate degrees will be reassigned to non-teaching positions in the fall until the investigation is resolved.
Baron's lawyer, Ronald Aiello, claimed his client is innocent of the charges.
Ms Ray
See You can get anything here in the NYC!!!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 11:42 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Posted by Ms. Ray
Hump Day: It Was More Like Bamboozled
What do you call when you get hit on constantly by androgynous lesbians? I feel there are many unsung straight girls out there who have yet to tell the story of Triumph after getting hit on by the Cleo's of the world. I have balls and no shame people, so ya'll know I got a story.
I can say that I am an official MUFF MAGNET. That's what I'm calling it for this post. I swear, I don't know what it is, but I've got hit on one too many times by women. It would actually be resourceful if I WAS A LESBIAN.
I wonder what is it about myself that attracts them. Is it the hair, my charming smile, my sexy boyish looks. Hell...I thought I was a girly girl. But maybe that's it. I'm cool like a dude but I'm......never mind, it's useless to try to figure out.
I constantly here these "I wish a motherfker would" comments from my straight guy friends who continuously get hit on by homosexuals, including my boyfriend. Granted my guy is cute and slim with a decent build, so it's totally understandable why he constantly gets dude stalked from time to time, but how does it really feel as a straight man to get hit on by our gay brothers?
Are they really that offended? or Do they feel slightly flattered that a gay guy would even take interest. At this day in age, for a gay man to seek interest in another, one must have a gym membership, a sick wardrobe, and a good job. So in my opinion, straight guys who get hit on by gays should not feel that offended.
I can honestly say that my man handles the occasional "looks" pretty well. Half of the time he doesn't even realize the overt sexual passes until I tell him...and even then he's in denial. I love it because it's pure comedy for me. I can say that I'm fortunate to be with someone who respects the importance of my gay guy friends. Although I have to give him a quick pep talk from time to time before an occasional outing, he knows I have a football team of homosexual friends and they aint' going nowhere. I have no time for his trivial banter every time we go to brunch or an outing with one of my "fairies"... as he likes to call them...cause' he's scared they're gonna try and flirt with him. I would always mock him and blow off his complaints until....I started to reminisce! Did I forget about how I felt when I first got hit on..........?
I have a slew of stories on my run-ins with the Cleo's of the world. It's odd that I have more than enough stories than I would like to admit, but it's real.
Come role with me as I sift through my mental Rolodex. This Story is a Classic.
It was the year 2002. I was a Sophomore in college in the greater Austin area. It was one of my first experiences on the notorious 6th street in Austin, Texas. Picture Bourbon street with less jazz, a sprinkle of New York's lower east side, along with drunk Texas college students and BAMN! There's 6th street...nothin' like it. I was amazed because I felt so free at that time in my 21 year old life. I was finally out of my comfort zone. Immersed with the opportunities to consume large amounts of alcohol, meet great people, all while acquiring a great edumacation. I was in it to win it. It was the ultimate college experience!
After hours of studying and cramming, my girls and I bar hopped and clowned on 6th street of Austin. We ate greasy pizza, and flirted with football players. Unfortunately, that's just what college girls do in Texas. As an attractive, naive, young female...flirting with the athletes had great benefits.... hopefully you could get into all the parties free and if you really know what you're doing maybe become a future NFL wife (Go Rocky!) or a notorious groupie...just gotta play your cards right..lol
As we flirted and introduced ourselves to the brawny ball players, they invited us to a party at this hot spot at the time called the Colorado Room. We were so hype because #1 We were getting in for free and #2 The most important at the time...Free Drinks. There was no sweat off the Ball player's backs because Austin and the entire state of Texas immortalizes football players. Needless to say, they didn't have to pay for shit. So we got the for real hook-up on drinks and the VIP section.
Everybody from UT's campus was there, including Black Greeks, male and female ball players, boppers, male groupies...it was crazy.
So we're in the party stuntin'... Lookin at females like...yeah we here..let's get the party started! We were total snobs.
We're on the dance floor getting down. We're tipsy...Well at least I was...and there were potential husbands all over the place.
*****Here's where the story takes a drastic turn*****


I looked at my girls and they already knew it was time to get the hell out. As we casually, but shamefully exited the club, I saw a group of sorority girls snickering. I wasn't sure if it was about me, but I felt like the whole party was laughing at my expense. Thank God those girls weren't in the sorority I was interested in, cause that would have been the end of my pledging dreams.
Wrong!.... All I can say was about a year later.... Hell Night for me was a total bitch!!...
nough' said!
I say all of that to say this.
Did I Triumph? I think so. I didn't react the way most would expect. Although to this day I feel that incident was in violation of a person's right to choose what sex they want to grind with on the dance floor, I feel just in my actions. I calmly smiled and played that shit off real smooth... I walked away. Hell what was I gonna do? fight the entire basketball team...not the way my girls were looking behind me...and I mean they were waaay behind. They were scared shitless. They figured something would pop off and we were gonna have to fight the entire girl's basketball team...that would have been a sad sight I must admit. I'm way to smooth to fight husky girls with cankles that I know I can't defeat. See, when one faces adversity and senses a larger loss than one has already gained, you can not react in an ignorant manner... That would result in my situation being "gayer" and even more awkward than it originally was. Just accept the lesson, take the losses and move on.
So with this story, I say to my friends....Just Be Cool! Karma's A Bitch.
It's not copacetic to snob at parties, I learned my lesson!
Wherever that deformed man is...I hope you may one day read this classic piece of journalism. I was Unmoved by you're fraudulent actions, and I still stand to say that......I hope you're boobs grow into huge melons so even a sports bra can't hide it. That should cease any confusion to any unsuspecting young women who crosses you're path.
Now, I ask my friends in the blogger world, what would you have done in that situation.
Signing Off,
Eddie Nicole "I Shall Not Be Moved"
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 4:55 PM 7 Vain Comments
Labels: Another Classic, Lesbians, Muff Magnet, Posted by Eddie Nicole, VP Classics