Last Wednesday, April 11, 2007 I experienced live music at the Canal Room in NYC. I want to thank Mathew and the great folks at Muzic Theory for the hospitality. And, yes, I call this an experience. No, it was not my first time hearing live music however, it was my first time wanting to cry in a club after hearing Chrisete Michelle play the piano while singing a song called "Love is You" where she ever so eloquently personified love. (And, it was my first time having the lead singer of a band pull me on stage to sing his very, very sensual rendition of De'Angelo's "How does it feel"-but I digress, remind me to tell you more about that later). Now back to business...so I didn't really cry in the club, I just wanted to. In other words, I was absolutely impressed by Chrisete. This was my second time seeing her perform (I first saw her perform at the Nokia Theater-see previous post here) and I must say that I am now more convinced than ever that this girl is, for lack of a better word, the shit!
Have you ever listened to a song and knew what the next word was going to be just because the lyrical content was predictable? Well, Chrisete is the complete opposite. This chick obviously has been doing her homework studying music and writing her ass off. I could go on and on about this chick so I'll try to keep this short. All I'm saying is that Chrisete is a force to be reckoned with. I urge you all to give her a chance once her first single comes out in a couple of weeks. Jay-Z's "Lost One" and the Nas "Can't Forget About You" did her some justice but not enough-she needs more than a hook of a song for you to really get the full experience, and yes, I call her voice an experience.
Oh, I almost forgot...the band that opened up for Chrisete was called Franklin Bridge. If I had to compare their sound to another band, I would say they were similar to Mint Condition. They are a 5 member band out of Philadelphia and they are damn good. The band members are Ray Ray, Wayne, Adam, Lil Darrell and lead singer Curt Chambers, who I now have a crush on (damn he sure can sing and play that guitar! all he needs is some tattoos and... oops I forgot y'all were there...) So the last song they performed was a cover of De'Angleo's "How Does it Feel". Apparently, the lead singer likes to pick a very, very attractive young lady out of the crowd and vocally seduce her when he performs this song. Well, with all that being said, I was that lucky lady that got pushed to the front of the crowd to the stage and had the pleasure of receiving this serenade. I was so embarrassed! Nevertheless, I had a great time! You can take a listen to Franklin Bridge at their myspace page by clicking here.
Until next time...
Lady A