Here are just a few of our favorite and most popular post. We were told by fans who are friends to highlight our crazy we decided to add a bar on the right side of this page titled "The Classics". Therefore you guys can click on our archived stories without searching through the months.
Here's one for the road!
The Buhscue Me Story
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
True Stories From the VP Drama Queens
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 2:33 PM 0 Vain Comments
Labels: Vanity Pages, VP Classics
Aretha:These Roots Goes Onscreen
Aretha Franklin
In her surprisingly tame new memoir, Aretha Franklin shows the fickle men in her life a bit too much "Respect."So you'd expect the Queen of Soul's autobiography to dish some serious dirt in a just-us-folks manner. Yet Aretha: From These Roots, written with David Ritz (biographer of Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, and B.B. King, among others), seems positively Victorian in its approach, harking back to a day when nice ladies didn't swear or dwell on sex in print.
Throughout the strangely prim book, Franklin glosses over unpleasant events, accentuating the positive to a degree that's almost risible.
A star cast Jennifer Hudson will be playing Aretha Franklin in the movie and Billy Dee Williams will be playing Her father, C.L. Franklin
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 9:30 AM 2 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's latest news
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Givenchy Fall 2007 Ready-to-Wear
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 10:43 PM 1 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's Fashion news update
Radio talker Don Imus, exiled from the airwaves in April after making remarks many saw as racist, will return to the microphone as early as September, industry analysts and observers tell NewsMax � but not all agree that the return will be triumphal. The industry has been rife with rumors since Imus sidekick Bo Dietl's announcement on an Albany radio show, and picked up by the New York Post, that an Imus comeback was in the works for this September. But experts explain to NewsMax that events are moving so quickly that the "I-Man" will be back in his broadcast chair by late summer or early fall. ( NOW HE NEED TO WATCH WHAT HE SAY THIS TIME!!!!)Don Imus Is Coming Back
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 7:10 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's latest news
Eddie Murphy & Tracey Edmonds Are Engaged
Eddie Murphy serious about marrying Tracey Edmonds

Now the pair have unveiled the ring and they are officially engaged."Tracey and Eddie are both very much in love and are excited about spending the rest of their lives together," confirmed Tracey's personal assistant.( Whatever!!) But she is gorgeous. Check out the ring (Cartier 8k diamond ring) Bling Bling Bling!!!!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 6:58 PM 3 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's latest news
Monday, July 30, 2007
Barak Obama Covers Vibe
As the summer ends, the 2007 presidential debates and press releases will increasingly take over media outlets. In case you are unaware. Barak Obama has a good shot at being the first Black president in the history of the U.S. If that's not enough reason to get out and vote, make sure to check out this issue if you want to get enlightened on his views on how he will change America.
The Special Juice Issue hits the stands August 14.
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 5:01 PM 0 Vain Comments
Labels: Barak Obama, Barak Obama Covers Vibe Magazine, Posted by Eddie Nicole, Presidency
Usher Calls Off Wedding
NEW YORK -- The wedding between Usher and his pregnant fiancee has been canceled, his publicist said Saturday.
The wedding between the multiplatinum singer and his longtime girlfriend, Tameka Foster, had been scheduled for Saturday.
The pair are expecting their first child together this fall.
Publicist Patti Webster would not comment on whether the two were still engaged or even a couple.( I wonder what happen!) Well sources are saying
Jonnetta Patton, was less than keen on the match and was not invited. There were reports that Usher's godfather, actor Ben Vereen, was also taken off the guest list because of his protestation to the marriage.
"Usher woke up on Saturday and said he couldn't go through with it," the source stated. "Apparently, he also couldn't bring himself to call all the people who were invited. He had the wedding planner call everyone in the wedding party."
Foster was furious: "She was marching around, cursing," added the source."
Reported that Tameka Foster was an ex-con (Spent close to a year in jail for welfare fraud) whose drug-dealing ex-lover had been gunned down. Foster's half-sister, Valencia Foster added to the fuel saying, "Poor Usher has no idea who he's marrying."
Valencia Foster also stated that Tameka had threatened to ban her mother from the wedding ceremony all because she had lost her false teeth.
Ms Ray
What do you think!
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 8:56 AM 1 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's latest news
It's Just Tap Water
Aquafina Labels: It's Tap Water
By VINNEE TONG 07.27.07, 11:37 AM ET
The label on Aquafina water bottles will soon be changed to spell out that the drink comes from the same source as tap water, the brand's owner said Friday.
A group called Corporate Accountability International has been pressuring bottled water sellers to curb what it calls misleading marketing practices.
Aquafina is the single biggest bottled water brand, and its bottles are now labeled "P.W.S." The new labels will spell out "public water source."
( That's right people, we have been bamboozled. I knew with all these bottle waters one will be just tap)
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 8:34 AM 0 Vain Comments
Labels: Ms Ray's latest news
Again, I will say Seek Help to all the men, creeps and non-creeps alike. Today at work I was taking my daily two hour break and a man politely asked if he could have a seat, of course I said yes (IDIOT). He starts his inevitable conversation with the usual "Your very beautiful", I say thank you and continue to stare off into the distance. The rest went a little something like this:
Creep: "I'm an honest person and I want to be honest with you. I just got of Jail. I was incarcerated for 35 years...".
Me: That's when I cut my eye over to him like, what can bust this person in the head with?
Creep: "... I did a favor for a friend that was being abused. Have you ever meditated?".
Me: Sure
Creep: I'm a very mentally disciplined person. I want you to know that I'm having an experience with you right now but, it's mental. Have you had any experiences of the third kind.
Me: I know this fool is not about say he's an alien or some shit "No. What do you mean?"
Creep: Right now the energy is very high between us and I'm having the full experience of you in my mind. Can I touch your hand?
Me: No.
Creep: I understand.
Me: I'm not having the same experience that your having right now. I'm also not planning on having an experience here or with you at all.
Creep: Next time you should accept things for what they are.
Me: Why did he go there? "What haven't I accepted? Your the one assuming I don't understand what's going on."
Creep: Blah, Blah, Blah.
At this point I stopped listening because I couldn't believe my eyes. Creep had on a basketball uniform type outfit that was quite thin and every time he spoke he would move his PENIS up and down. I know that men can do this and It's never involuntary so I'm like, this MuthaF@#ka. I'm stuck at this point because, I don't want to react to quickly, remember, he just got out of jail. He may have some post traumatic, don't startle me type shit going on. I wasn't trying to set him off while we're in this upper middle class area anyhow. His first spastic move we would've been scrappin'. Not to mention, I'm on an unauthorized two hour break.
Me: I'm going to head back to work, you take care.
Creep: I've already manifested in my mind seeing you again. We'll meet again and your experience will be unimaginable.
I could have died, laughed , screamed and vomited all at once. Can you believe this bastard?
He was actually pulsating his PENIS. I didn't want him to see me peep it cause he might have thought I was interested in having an experience. What was even funnier is the PENIS was so small. That made the situation a little less offensive and actually comical. MUTHALUVIN' BASTARD.
What was he thinking?
If anyone has had a creepy experience let us know about it. This applies to the fellas as well.
Posted by VANITY PAGES at 12:50 AM 2 Vain Comments