Eddie Murphy serious about marrying Tracey Edmonds

Now the pair have unveiled the ring and they are officially engaged."Tracey and Eddie are both very much in love and are excited about spending the rest of their lives together," confirmed Tracey's personal assistant.( Whatever!!) But she is gorgeous. Check out the ring (Cartier 8k diamond ring) Bling Bling Bling!!!!
3 Vain Comments:
This chick is a fool and will pay big time later.
they should rename this article to "Eddie serous about covering up his gayness"
How do you marry a dude that's a confirmed transvestite chaser? And how does he keep getting these extremely beautiful women? He must be the bomb in the sack because he's about to be dead broke after they work out his alimony/child support payments, not that Tracey needs any financial help.
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