Busta got Busted last Thurdsday for allegingly busting somebody in the head. Usually after one is free from the shackles of the police, one would seek counseling of some sort. Maybe a lawyer, a PR extrordinaire, or even family. Less than 24 hours after his release Busta took his ass straight to the over-rated Jacob the Jeweler chop shop to waste more money on needless ice.

Is it just me, or does Shanti's jeans look extremely tight and uncomfortable!

I'm curvy below the waste myself, but damn!

Lil' Kim. Everytime I get a glimpse of her or even hear about her, all I can ask myself is what kind of company does she keep? She never really looks quite right, ever. Very spooky looking if you ask me!
That Damn Melissa Ford! She always manages to creep up in any photo-op that maybe in her presence. Melinda looks all stylish and comfortable and here comes Melissa with all the cleavage and midriff hanging out . She's annoying!

Lovin' the hair Melinda, don't let D list celebrities bask in your shine!
Tyrese may be out of hot water. His pregnant girlfriend issued a statement about the alleged beating. Apparently a heated argument insued and she felt threatened enough to call 911. The girlfriend is not interested in pressing charges, her latter story was retracted.
Despite the woman's retraction, the LAPD is still interested in speaking with Tyrese. To date, Tyrese's whereabouts are unknown.
There are rumors that Usher and his personal stylist, Tameka, may have been in an off and on relationship for years. Let me retract relationship, I mean home-lover-friends.
Anywho, here is Usher and Tameka at a New Years event. She's obviously getting wasted and getting her party on,
so why does Usher have a stick up......