I'm kind of sad today. Every time I hear something about Lauryn Hill, it never makes me feel happy...like what her music used to do. What happened? That's the question that has yet to be answered. Remember when she came out with the cool bob and the crazy big ass bow at the BET awards. Everyone just knew the Fugees were gonna infiltrate the game and bring back that creativity to Hip-Hop music that is so missed. We have to start an intervention and save our black soul crooners....This is ridiculous. Apparently, she preformed in Brooklyn (for what reason plagues me...all her performances in the past year have been shitty) and totally fucked over her fans again. She started 2 hours late...and crooned over old and new tunes and totally destroyed what were once masterpieces. I understand she's going through some shit, but Lauryn Hill is/was too important to the art of music to allow herself to fall off like this. She could move crowds. She's ruining her legacy of being one of the greatest...think Jimmy Hendrix, Bob Marley, Marvin Gaye, The Beatles...I would rather her just stay on sabattical and come back with a bang...But has she ruined that chance? 
Yeah that's him, D' Angelo. Again....What the Hell happened to his ass? He was the absolute shit back in the day. His first album will forever be a classic...now he looks like an old bumb. He kinda reminds me of the bumb that threw the damn sand which at me on the train...but whatever....Like I said, I'm really sad and disappointed. I hope he gets his situation together...this look is not sexy at all. Has he ruined his chance to make a come back as well?

What else? Oh yeah...I'm GLAD to announce my new column with CAUGHT MAGAZINE. It's geared to uplift the youth. So I'm uplifting these youngins on how to conduct themselves with class. Style is easy, class takes skill and time. So Congrats to me... I am the style contributor for the Swagger section. My debut has been featured in this month's issue. I will keep you guys posted on my latest entries. Check out my column...damn it!
I wanna first and foremost thank God, my mother, the academy, and last but definitely not least...THE FANS!
Peace and Blessings,
Eddie Nicole
10 Vain Comments:
Okay so the whole Lauryn Hill thing has been a discussion amongst me and my friends for about a month now. Its heartbreaking to see one of my favorites crumble right before my eyes. She is- correction, was one of the few voices that could make me cry. MAKE ME CRY!!! I hate to see the power her natural beauty and buttery voice once held crash and burn! D'Angelo has been a mess for a minute. How can such a beautiful Black man fall apart on us like that? C'mon, D...we need yo ass! Thats song he has on Common's new album is hot...but it is an old sample of his voice, not to mention was already featured on J Dillas album. GET IT TOGETHER!!!!
I'm so happy for you Eddie!!!
Ms Ray
Thanks Ray
Oh yeah, Lauren Hill look a Hot Mess!!! she looks like a clown
Ms Ray
I'm glad the rain stopped me from going. She's still cool with me. Why does she have to be our savior? SHE'S HUMAN!! Maybe she's over it and doesn't give a crap anymore. Whatever she puts out is still better than anything anyone else on the pop or r&b charts is putting out right now.
I heard D'Angelo has a new album coming out pretty soon. He's another one that can put out anything and still have these crap music listening to kids jamming to it.
Our new soul music saviors are apparently Joss Stone and Robin Thick. So, I guess we better get used to it. Get rid of the real artists that uplift our people for these whitewashed soul singers. It's like musical gentrification. Lol!
As an artist, regardless if you're human or not, you have a responsibility to your fans. People have invested into their careers to make them what they are today. While she's having issues and still living lavish, people are out here getting paid minimum wages and still investing in her. If they didn't want to be in the limelight, they would not have sacrificed so hard to get there. She was one of the main artist complaining about how horrible the music is and now she's ruining what was great of her own. All the public wants to see is a great performance, like on the "Block Party", put all that personal shit to the side.
Her obligation to the fans is not written in blood. Artists only REAL obligation is to the record labels and the staff. No one is forcing the us to buy her music, that's our choice. The fans don't breath for the artists when they're damn near on their last breath. When is it OK for artists to throw in the towel for their on mental and physical well being. Buy one CD (that they make next to nothing off of) and all of a sudden we own this person. Take it EEEAAASSSYYY.
first of all...valentine, i love u! second, lauryn is trippin-she is taking this "i can't get it together" thing too far, she needs to get over herself and sing some damn songs and come to her shows on time, period. And, D'angelo is on something, lol...I heard that he really didn't want to do the "how does it feel video" all naked like he did (although I appreciated the nakedness very much...i have to pause for a second...ok im back) from what i've been told he was convinced to do the naked video and was upset that he was subjecting himself to "selling his body" on screen and that's why he became all fat and unsexy-he also claims to be one of those ppl who didn't want to get "famous" off of their music, yeah right!
I think both Lauryn and D'Angelo need to be on prescription medication. Toodles.
Congrats on the coloumn!
As for Lauryn *sigh* I just have no more words. *smh*
I think D'Angelo has a leaked single somewhere. I haven't heard it, but I heard it's pretty good. Let's just keep our fingers crossed lol. Oh and is that scrubs he's wearing in that pic?
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