Sunday, December 03, 2006

Entertainment News: Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop 4 & The N Word

Eddie Murphy in Beverly Hills Cop 4

Not only is he getting rave reviews in his role as Jimmy in Dreamgirls, but according to world entertainment news network, Eddie Murphy is back as Alex Foley in Beverly Hills Cop 4-there is no word yet on when the action packed comedy is set to hit the big screen. People have been ready to give up on Eddie due to his many roles in movies catered to children and due to the countless rumors that we will not discuss at the present moment! On the contrary, I am sure that Beverly Hills Cop fans will be excited to see Eddie as the witty and sarcastic cop that we all know he plays so well.

Word on the street is that Mel B (Scary Spice) is having Eddie Murphy's baby.

Entertainers and the N-Word

Since the Michael Richards racist tirade, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton challenged the Hip-Hop world to discontinue the use of the "N-Word" in response to the various amounts of people using the term candidly and irresponsibly. In addition, comedian Paul Mooney stepped up to the challenge and proclaimed that he will no longer use the term in his comedic routines. Recently, took it upon themselves to ask comedians Dave Chappelle, DL Hughley, Bernie Mac, Cedric the Entertainer and funny man Katt Williams about the challenge and if they are going to follow Paul Mooney's lead in the discontinued use of the "N-word". full story

It comes as no surprise that there was no response from any of the comedians. But honestly, would it make a difference if the term was no longer used by entertainers? Would it actually result in the public using the word less? I think not, what do you think?

1 Vain Comments:

hdaisy said...

author and artist damali ayo, (creator of, says,
"“That word is a tool of the oppressor. It always has been and it continues to be."

the full video is here
and you can here and see more stuff on her myspace page,

heather day
assistant to damali ayo