Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Text Message is what it is...A MESSAGE!

I know I'm not the only person who feels this way, because my girls and I have had this conversation over and over again-and we all agree. Look fellas! It's okay to text and say "hey just thinking about you" or "I'll be there at 7" or "are you gonna be there tonight" but when you send a text and want to continue a long ass conversation, then that's where I draw the line! After about 4-6 texts in a time period of 10 minutes, it's time to get a real phone conversation started. I guess what I'm saying is that text messaging is making people lazy and it's showing that people are either socially awkward or its making it easy for people to not develop conversation skills. What the hell is this? Do people not want to get to know each other any more? All I'm saying is that having a whole conversation through a text message is a lousy and lazy way to keep in contact with someone.

I know some of you fancy shmancy guys have your blackberry's and your side kicks and what not. But, some of us have little flip phones and there is only room for 160 characters per message (including spaces)-my thumb is going to get arthritis! And, I'm running out of ways to abbreviate words. After a while texting gets to be so damn impersonal, hell, how do I know your not sending a mass text to all the chicks in your phone talkin' 'bout "whats up?" To me its no different from the millions of texts I get on the holidays saying "Merry Christmas" & "Happy New Year!" Oh! and just because you text me today does not mean that we talked, texting does NOT count. Texting is simply a way of just saying "hi" or touching base, it is NOT and I repeat, NOT a real conversation. Texting has no tone of voice. It's hard to tell if the person is saying something in a mean way, or a funny way, or if they are yelling (b/c some people text in all caps ALL the time) It's just hard to read into sometimes, ya know?

Like I said, it's ok to text to get quick information, to say "hello", or any type of short MESSAGE (hence the name "text message") Its also ok to do while bored in class or bored in a meeting. It just becomes a problem when it turns into a long ass conversation and you're sitting on the damn sofa, ugh!

This is Lady A signing off! Until next time...

9 Vain Comments:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! You couldn't have said this any better. I'm so about to stop texting people back.

matt williams said...

I think that I am one of the ony females in the world who does not mind receiving a text message. I guess because I am not much of a talker.

Anonymous said...

i feel u chic, im much more of a "lets hang out" than a texter or a phone talker that is why i get irritated with texts that are too long lol

Blu Jewel said...

there are occasions when txting is the only means of communication (limited signal; in a meeting; where privacy isn't in your favor; or something like that)

quick convos are okay, but when some people going into full-fledged convos via txt is where one should draw the line.

She Her Me said...

Girl, that is SOOO true. People try to use texting as a way to say they communicated with you in some way. Uh, sorry man...that's not gonna work. Period.
I'm with you. In the time it takes for you to text me 10 times, we could have just had a 10 minute conversation, and covered all the bases, WITHOUT tryin to fit it all into 160 characters or less!
So true! So right!

Anonymous said...

I just had a semi argument via text messaging. I was like "MUTHAFUKA WHY?". He actually said "you seemed pissed off". How can one tell ones
mood through this method of communication. I was actually on youtube at the time laughing my ass off. What's up with text message sex.
I'm trying to be all grammatically correct, fuckin' up my arousal. Damn
you text whores!! said...

GREAT blog! So with you on the texting - I have a flip phone too, and I'm a sloooow texter!

Anonymous said...

I love to hold converstions with people in person, but as far as the phone goes...I hate it. Texting suits me just fine. But, I admit, some things must be discussed over the phone.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with everything u said.. If a guy ONLY txts me it makes me wonder how sociable he is.. I dont really like shy quite guys ..