OOOH where do I start? I'm just gonna wing it until I can figure how I want to really tell this story. Let's start with a warm up shall we!
Random Shit:
I have you ever felt too shame to eat your lunch at work with your co-workers cause you were to broke to bring or buy a real meal...eatin' your little PBJ sandwich at your desk all quiet.
Don't have the nerve to eat the instant lunch Ramen noodles, people be at work lookin' at you all what's that old noodle smell. Bitch, let's take a collection plate around here since you so worried.Who feels that Rhianna totally swagger jacked FeFe Dobson? I watched her new video for "Shut Up and Drive"....not feelin it. It would really be interesting to see FeFe Dobson really try to make a big comeback to give Rhi Rhi a little lyrical competition. You can tell Rhianna has the corporate money engine behind her, that's another reason she looks so hot. I never cared for Rhianna's musical talent so I can't say I miss her "island sound", but that sound was really her, I guess. But the white folks are gonna invest so much in Rhi-Rhi that I guess the music itself really doesn't matter.

I miss Police Academy. It would be awesome if they came up with a new cast.
Who would ya'll cast? I'm thinking Vince Vaughn (Mahoney), Brotha Man from the 5th flo (Hightower), Will Ferrel (Tackelberry), Mos Def or Dave Chappelle (Sgt. Jones), Neecy Nash (Lavern Hooks), the agent from Entourage (Maussar)....that would be the shit
Meet the FLOMasters. You ever wonder how black folks come up with these dances. They don't just pop out of nowhere. Well, here are the guys who came up with most of the ATL "lean wit it rock wit" dances. It's kind a cute how they're so serious and all in sync.
Ok. That's a good warm up.
So have you ever had the worst sex in your life? Don't worry it happens to the best of us!... and if it hasn't happened to you yet, then guess what? You're a lucky bastard! I thought the worst sex of my life was when I thought I lost my virginity. But jabbing doesn't count in my opinion, so that uneventful hump day was just a waste of time and feelings of awkwardness....side note: he thought he was really doing something and had the nerve to tell everybody at school, and I had the nerve to think we really "did it".
But that was ions a go.
On the real, I would never wish a horrible sexual experience on anyone. The worst hump day of your life will always be a memory. It's so shame for you because you had to experience it and for the partner because he/she had to give it. I can say, since I had my horrible sexual experience, I finally understand the pressure men have had for years. For some reason I had the misconception that at the ripe age of 25, every man would have been on top of his shit. I thought the penis power that men posses at the mid 20's would have been at the pinnacle of full potential. I guess you can say there is always a rotten apple in the bunch. It was so bad...I'm waisting time writing this shit let me get to
So it was my first year in NYC. Arriving from Houston, Texas, I was so excited. I was on top of my game, working as a personal shopper's assistant at Bergdorf Goodman, I really thought I was the shit. Nothing could ruin my New York Experience.
I was open to meet new people, not to mention the fact that I hadn't "done it" in like a year. New York is a funny place, cause' you never know who you'll meet. Everyone is from everywhere. Would I meet my "BIG" or "Aiden"? Could I inevitably get my "Sex and the City" on?The possibilities were endless. So a lesbian friend that I worked with hooked me up with this guy from LA, we'll call him Flaccid Fill. By the way, it's hard for me to have lesbian friends...I will save that story for next week....Anyway, we met at some spot and I thought he was kinda cute. Not really my type, but I felt like if I continued on this path of rejecting guys, I would never meet anyone that could possibly be the best penis ever. So after weeks of going out, he invited me to his apt.
The apartment was ok. It was not that clean...not my standards...but I'm coming in with an open mind...It's New York. So we eat some take out, watch a movie, crack a few know shootin' the shit. It's late, I'm not getting on the train...and he wanted me to stay.
The Kiss- It's all my fault because I could have stopped it at that...but I was thirsty so I kept it going. We kissed and he seemed unsure of himself with that. He was kissing all fast but was weird. I'm a fan of a great kiss, a firm, not too wet, a little tongue action, sucking of the lips kind of kiss, not too fast, but not boring slow....that kiss was just awkward. I'm already like uggghh! But we kept it going.
The Foreplay- So when he finally caught on to the way I kissed, I'm thinking ok, maybe this wont be so bad... We were doing the "I wanna "do it" but don't wanna seem thirsty so I'm gonna take it easy kind of foreplay" which can be cool. I don't like jumping into things too fast, at least when I'm sober. Shit, this nigga acted like he was going down and then paused and said "I don't Go Down" I said..."I didn't ask you to"... I was tight because he even said that..."Didn't nobody push your head past my belly button, now you scared","Get off me!..." He rolled over looking all rejected. I just wanted to escape and go home, but it was like 2am....
This is so hard to write ya'
Flaccid Fill was not even doing his business.
That's what sucked. At least Mister gave it to her. Shit, I would have switched him out for Mister at that point. After that night, I felt violated... I felt violated because I gave him the time of day, I let him take a part of me that I knew I shouldn't have, and then didn't even make him feel like shit about it afterwards. He didn't deserve my scrutiny...let some other bitch act like she cares enough to even tell him how bad he was, Noooo my brotha.... not on my watch. Needless to say, I never called him again...SHAME! I guess that's why I'm telling the world. I know!...I've shamed you,I have. I hope the men are reading....I pray they read this. I'm trying to stop horrible dick for everyone. Ladies spread the word! JUST SAY NO TO HORRIBLE DICK!
I Love you all!
Eddie Nicole
8 Vain Comments:
Feelin' the blog.....addin' it to my links.
Haaaaa! Girl, I think we have all had a bad experience or 2.....or 3 or 4!!!!! I can totally relate!!!
You ladies need to start letting these men know about themselves. It's because of women like you (eddie), feeling like, these men aren't worth your criticism, that they get away with this shit. Trust me, they know their shit is whack! If you put them on the spot they'll only do one of these two: Make up some lame excuse as to why it isn't flowing or in efforts to take back the manhood you just stole from him, he will put it on you like he has never put in on anyone before. Girl!! Nothing stoppin' this nigga now. Not a Charlie horse, not even a group of insurgents busting in the room declaring a Jihad on his ass could break his concentration. He would be like "If you just give ten minutes to make this evil succubus cum one good time, I will surrender.". Lmao.
E your a funny lady.
Yo there is so much to comment on lol!!!
I had a PB&J for lunch today lol. I would sit at the table and eat it while someone was having burger and fries and dare them to look at me sideways lol. Just kidding. I feel the same way you do lol.
As for the bad sex, *deep sigh* You know, I can't even believe he acted like that. You don't be kissing me and movin like you going down and then punking out. He know he's a bad lay. He should give the BEST head this side of Texas!!! My bad sex guy at least was good at that and eager too!! lol
Love your blog, I'm adding you to my blog list.
Im one of the lucky few who have yet to deal with the horrible sex...Im sure my time is coming, and until then Ill be praticing my "you suck" speech! had me cracking up with the "soft ass" comment.
I had a bad experience too and never told him and he is still running around town pissing women off
OMGosh! (replying a week after I have already read it) This is so like my fav post ever(even though it was my first)! 1) It was laughs 2) I can TOTALLY relate like right now on today-BUT-what do you do when the "bad sex guy" is a REALLY GGGGRRRREAT Guy in ALL other areas?! Keep it moving or suffer in the one (VITAL) area?! I don't usually pnder on such things as sex-but I really like this guy-and that's rare--rare!
*sighs* Iunno Iunjusno!
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