Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Put a Twang of Salt on a Sweet Melon

I just want to give a shout out to my aunt for putting me on to this clip.

Is it just me, or do black folks have a hard time being really black these days? When I say "really black", I am speaking of our natural non-vulnerable state.
So what society is telling me is that: Barak Obama can't be associated with another "angry black man", the word "nigga" has seen it's death, and eating watermelon and chicken around white folks is all together publicly unacceptable.
What are we afraid of? Our pastors have always talked about racial inequalities, maybe not as strong as Rev. White, but just as poignant. Blacks are usually not vulnerable during family time so eating chicken and watermelon and saying "nigga" and shit doesn't really matter...right?
The contemplation starts when we try to dress our shit up. We know we wanna eat watermelon and chicken....but we eat grapes and turkey breast instead. Why is that? Are we ashamed? or Maybe all the stereotypes have really impacted us.
I know the fried chicken thing can be unhealthy...but it's ok to eat it sometimes. The watermelon thing is really puzzling to me because I never see black folks eat it anymore. I love me some I could care less if I look like little sambo...especially if the watermelon is not too soft but sweet as honey! EEEwwww Weeeee Mane! (I've regressed)
I remember while at work I ordered from this soul food spot. I had greens and the whole nine....and this pale lady came walking into the lunch area talking about "what's that strong bitter smell?". She knew what I was eating...and I did feel somewhat shamed.
you know how after any holiday such as, Easter, Christmas, or Thanksgiving, we love to bring a "plate" to work....Niggas be smellin' up the whole damn office...but the white folks bring Turducken and green bean casserole to work after the holidays and they're not sneakin' around corners trying to eat in peace.
And what the hell is Turducken?
Turducken is Turkey stuffed with duck stuffed with chicken, which is some ghetto shit anyway.

I feel Petey Green on this clip...sometimes you gotta just be you and not worry yourself with what others think. That goes for anyone. Sometimes I think we as blacks feel the pressure to assimilate than just be our natural shit talking, soul food eating, sunflower seed spitting selves...LMAO!
Next time, just put some TWANG on it and call it a day!
Peace and Blessings!
Think Twice Before you Answer!

2 Vain Comments:

Anonymous said...

LMAO!!!! Why does ol' dude in the video sound like "that uncle" that is at every family gathering? Hilarious! But, u know, i really don't see too many people eating watermelon anymore! i eat it, im not afraid and i know that the whole watermelon negativity started from waaaay back but why didnt white ppl like the watermelon? like they threw out some good fruit to us, they had the nerve to give it to us like "ugh, we will give the slaves some watermelon, that will teach them!" like giving us watermelon was a punishment! oh man, "this racism is killing me!" lol

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