Thursday, August 16, 2007

With One Catch

I know this may seem harsh or controversial, but if one day Baby Jesus decides to come to me in my sleep to reveal my future husband with the great physical traits such as: tall, handsome, and talented...but with one catch!.... he would be a homosexual...I would say alright, but one request
"Yes my child" -says Baby Jesus
me- "Can he be a reincarnate of the sexy Danny from "So You Think You Can Dance"?"

No matter how sexy and handsome a guy is....if he has the slightest homosexual tendencies (example: the gay lisp, arched eyebrows, colored contacts, muscle shirts, man capris), all possible attractions have been reduced to shame feelings of even having those ideas in the first place....Unless he is Danny from the show, So You Think You Can Dance. Man, he's as gay-as-today, but he's so beautiful and graceful. I don't expect anyone to totally agree on this subject...I mean he is gay. He has to be gay. He's way to smooth and charismatic in his dance. He's so statuesque and's not like I get hot when watching him... well I kinda do... but I just think he's a beautiful gay man and if I had to have a gay husband it would be Danny. We could go shopping and dance to Pat Benitar every night. I would ask his advice on what color I should paint my walls, "Eggshell or Cerulean?" and and and...we could watch Steal Magnolias and Beaches.... and recite lines from the movie Color Purple....and maybe go to plays and vacate in Italy....and maybe I could finally see Broke Back Mountain without putting up a fight....and and....

Just check him out ladies, he's so dreamy... in a light skinded waivy hair T3 kinda way.

Here lies the question, my hardworking slackers...have you ever been attracted to a gay guy? If any straight dudes answer this question...regardless of your might need to rethink some things about your sexual quest in life.

Goodbye My Sweetness!! (Pun Intended)

Congrats to Sabra Johnson, the new winner of So You Think You Can Dance. She won $250,000. She deserved it. She kicked so much ass on this show, and she had only been doing this for 4 years...I almost don't believe it. Just in case ya'll didn't tune in, Check out some of my favorite Sabra moments

Her partner Neil was sick with his as well!

4 Vain Comments:

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed! Danny is one sexy gay guy that i'd like to...convert for one day only.But just for one day tho, he is so perfect the way he is that if he wasn't gay, I'd think that he was anyway. He's so friggin' handsome he looks like the prince charming or something in a Disney movie, he's just dreamy! I heart Danny!!

valentine said...

Are we for sure that he's gay. Their have been lots of men who were excellent dancers that were not gay. I think Fred Astaire is one. He has perfected his style which just so happens to be extremely graceful. I'm more amazed at how good he is, he must have been dancing in the womb. I would like to give sort of a conformation on his sexual preference based on this alone. Anyone that knows me must have thought at some point that I was a gay man trapped in a straight womens body. I'm always attracted to gay men (don't know what it is). In my eyes ( that have possibly belong to a gay man in a past life) he is FINE, therefore , he must be gay. LOL!!!
Don't listen to me, I got problems.


Danny is gay!!!

Laydia said...

I didn't watch the show but I caught the finale and I could have kicked myself for not following it. She is soooo good!! And Danny made me drool a lil every time I saw him swivel his hips. I found myself wondering if I could have a man that moved like that...and wasn't gay lol.

You a fool for the Baby Jesus dream sequence btw!!! ROFL!!!