Thursday, April 05, 2007

For Southerners Only: Remember This

Some friends and I were reminiscing about the good ole' days. We talked about how we would eat fried snickers, penny candy, licking sugar cool aid, selling candy at school, etc. The list went on. So I decided to mention pickles and every one was with me until I said "ya'll remember sticking candy in the middle of the pickle". There was a silence as if I said something crazy like, remember eating boogers. I'm like yeah "We used to stick Now and Later's in our pickles, it gave that sweet and sour taste". I later mentioned how we used to argue over the "booty" of the pickle. They were dying laughing after that one. I thought it was universal in all 1980's black society. I guess only in H-town!

3 Vain Comments:

Anonymous said...

Pickles look gross.

Tatiana said...

OOoh Eddie, How YOU doin'? That pickle looks very phallic might I add. But no, not even when in the ghettos of Marcy Projects do I recall this fad.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm from the south baby! and we use to get cool cups from Miss Katy (the old lady down the street) for $.50, "nile-laters" (that's how southern ppl pronounced it!), and pickles and some poeple used to put a jolly rancher in the pickle and acted like it tasted good! Those were the days!!