Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Big Willy The 4 Billion Dollar Man!

Will Smith, Hollywood's Most Powerful Actor

by Donna Porter
Will Smith, Hollywood's Most Powerful ActorBeating "The Tom's" (Hanks and Cruise), former leader Mel Gibson, and even Johnny Depp, Will Smith is the most powerful actor in Hollywood. The April 9 issue of Newsweek labels him the $4 billion dollar man, and with good reason. King of Hollywood, and former Prince of Bel-Air, Will Smith boasts a $4.4 billion worldwide career box office, yet there is more to his appeal.

Hollywood insider told Newsweek, "Will Smith is the only thing in this business -the only thing- that represents a guaranteed opening weekend." He may be even bigger than that. "Let's put it this way," says one studio head, "there's Will Smith, and then there are the mortals."Will Smith,38, earned his power honestly. The formidable actor sells movies in any genre he touches: sci-Fi (I, Robot), action-comedy (Men in Black), romantic comedy (Hitch) and drama (The Pursuit of Happyness).

I love Will Smith!
From Rapper, to Fresh Prince, and now a big time Movie Star. Only in America folks, only in America!

Ms Ray

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