Why has the game all of a sudden changed? Meaning, the inevitable chase. You know the dog vs. cat chase. Is it because I am teetering on the line of mid to late twenties, therefore, I am realizing that men have some of the worst game? or at least the brothers that I have ran across. I seriously feel that across the board, not matter what region, the majority (not all) of men age 26 and up, feel that they are so spectacular that whatever comes out of their mouth will please the panties off of unsuspecting women. Just today while coming back from a beautiful lunch in Bryant Park, a 38+ man drops his call from the pay phone to run me down to ask for my number. Now why-eboni-why would I give him my number if he's using a pay phone? Why? What made him think that he would have a chance. And I started to ponder and reminisce......
I remember back in the day when a brother would come up to you hollering some dumb shit like, "scuse me miss! let me holla at you" or from across the room try to point the finger and motion you over. He would get dismissed with a quickness. I used to roll with my older cousins and watch the shear delight of them dissing these poor guys back and forth with no avail. Now my cousins were bad, meaning fly and cute as hell, so yeah I can say they were conceded, but these guys deserved the shit they had coming to them.
Now it's like all is fair game. Dudes are out here bad, saying whatever the fuck they wanna say. As long as they got a decent physique, a nice job, and maybe a car, these niggas feel like they running the world. Hell Naw, not even a decent physique, just at least a fresh hair cut and they feel like they can catch any female.
I saw this dude on the train last week after coming back from Las Vegas, (yes I had to catch the damn train cuz I was that broke) and he had the nerve to try to holla at this chic with her older brother standing right next to her. He even told her not to let family get in the way of her missing an opportunity on a "nigga like me". I guess because her brother wasn't having it, the dude felt offended. He explained how he was a good dude, how he was going back to "school", and how he was mixed with Chinese and everything... *Just cause your eyes slanted don't make you an eighth Chinese boo-boo!.... He even goes on to say how he can protect her from the dangerous streets of Bed-Stuy.....talkin bout' "I know how to get down, I take Karate and I can bust a glock if I have to"... Bruce Leroy must have been on something. I was laughing to myself because I wanted to hear how she was gonna let him down. Was she gonna stick it to him in the ass or just pat him on the balls...the anticipation was killing me!
I was totally stunned. The chic gave him her number. Yeah she had Boogerwolf tendencies, but still. This fool even had the nerve to call her right there in front of her, just in case the number was wrong. His plan was foiled because this idiot failed to realize that cell phones get no reception on the trains. Even if she was scared and gave him a fake number, she should have never given him the satisfaction.
Fuck that! I would have shut his ass down...Hell no I'm not giving you my number "Freaky Jason"!...
So to the ladies...I know how it feels to be in a drought! Don't give up hope and settle for foolishness and bad grammatical jargon from these losers. Don't let them feel they have succeeded in there quest for vagina when there game is whack. We wonder why we are so dismayed all the time? We consciously look over and dismiss this foolish behavior.
Lets Take A Stand, I SAY No to Foolishness unless you look like this
*****************************************MMMmm.....Anthony Mackie's Fine ass can say whatever comes to mind. He aint even got a make a lick of sense, and I'd be right there listening and eating that shit up! He's gorgeous in every way. Remember him in She Hate Me. Where was I when Spike Lee was casting for all the Lesbians?
Can't forget Romany Malco! My favorite character on the HBO show, Weeds. He plays Conrad, the cute weed dealer. Daaaamn! I would smoke however many blunts with this dude, as long as it goes down afterwards. He wouldn't even have to call me after that!
And last but not least, the sexiness that is Micheal Ealy.
His voice alone is enough for me. He could come out with a cd of just him having a sexy conversation and I would buy that shit twice, just in case I lost one. I guess Halle Berry couldn't handle it. She's whack! Just him whispering in my ear would send me in a Rage. I'd go crazy like those rage people on 28 days later!............That is All!

8 Vain Comments:
I agree eddie! oh geez, michael ely whoooo! he could soooo get it! yeah these wack ass dudes and these lame lines are killing me. this one dude told me on the train that he makes 40k a year, I was like so?! is that supposed to impress me? im glad u have a job boo boo, keep it up but i dont think u want to walk around telling ppl that LOL that was TMI
first time on your site and i already know i'll be back. i thought i was the only one who thinks A.Mack is THAT man! *swoon* Romany Malco is on my "he can get it list". sorry Michael doesn't do it for me, but hey, i'm not knocking your hustle.
great post!
moving on to previous posts now...
Poor unfortunate men. They're all having dillusions of grandure. They belive that because the uneducated, no real swagger having losers they see in the music videos ( who are very remaniscent of themselves)are pulling fly-ass women, that there's hope for them. The only thing they fail to realize is that it's a video and these people are paid to "act interested".
Recently, one of my nieghborhood Weed dealers tried to invite himself out with me to an event I was attending ALONE. He tried to sell me on the idea of him buying out the bar and doing it "big" all night. All I could think of as he spoke the Charlie Brown "Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah" was "how the hell would I look walking in with this guy standing at a oh so manly 5'7" with his three figure income to a serious event" We would get rejected at the door so damn fast! These niggas be wildin' out. It's as simple as look at me, look at you (and not on some concieted shit) But realisticly.
First time here and like Blu, I'll be back. I am soooo there with you on the busted dudes thing!!! I got men old enough to be my grandfather and empting my trash tryna holla! I had to check the mirror to make sure I was still me lol. And ol' girl on the train, smh, she need to say some affirmations or something because NO woman should have to take that foolishness.
Oh and I totally agree with every man on you list *licks lips*. I'd sit at their feet like it was story time listening to them talk about being 1/8 chinese, taking karate classes, and going back to school to get their GED lol!!!
OMG....you got me lookin like a crazy ass person laughing at my computer reading this funny shit.....I'm gonna have to ditto everything you said about all three of these brothas. Ol boy from weeds is a tad bit short for my taste, but still nice to look at....Mr. Ely..he just look so damn edible when he clinches his jaws...I need a cold drink....damn
HELL YEAH!!! What makes these dudes think somehow they're Kings, and we should just succumb to their stupidity? Girl, it boggles the mind!
And I am SOOO with you on Mr. Ealy. Mmmmm...just lookin at those eyes, makes me wanna tear him UP!
Oh! And don't forget Idris Elba. DAYUM!!! That's a fine man right there.
that's funny you say that because right after I did this post, I thought of him. He should have definitely been on the list
blue jewel-
thanks for checking out the site.
mahogany- lol
You are hilarious! Someone should give you a talk show...
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