Pics from Clive's Party

Bill Maher can't keep his hands off the strippers! He is shown here with his new girlfriend,
"Sexual Chocolate"!

Get him girl! If she doesn't, Rihanna probably will, if she hasn't already!

Nasty-Neyo with Rihanna. Her dress is so tight. I'm sure she couldn't move for the entire night. I can't hate, her body is sick!

We can't forget about Knock Em' Out Naomi. She and Terrance look like a fab Bonnie and Clyde. I would have picked a different shoe for Terrance, but hey, he can't win em all!
6 Vain Comments:
Naomi is killin' em softly these days with her style. She's showing the world that you can be crazy and glamorous.
Whitney looks great!
Oooh look at Reggie w/ his fine ass!
I second that statement leslie...Reggie is a cutie :)
Lady A
I third that..Reggie is sooo fine...lucky kim k.. Rihanna look's gorgeous in her pink dress...nice make up ima have 2 recreate dat look...thnks riri =)
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