All you Sex and the City Fans get ready.
We here the movie is back on.
After they begged and pleaded with Kim Catrall, she finally gave in! I am sure she negotiated her way into a fortune. Make that money Kim!
Nas: Killin' Em Softly in Atlanta and back in the NYC for his Black&White Ball
Party in the ATL...
"I'm just sitting back and enjoying this. I knew people would be upset over the title, and I'm glad," Nas says. "Some rappers are cursing me, but there are a lot who are applauding me silently."
"There are so many artists that don't respect hip-hop. They don't know its roots," he says, refusing to name anyone specifically. "They're just in it to make money. Once they go platinum, they're like, 'Screw everyone.' They don't even take the time to learn about its pioneers."-NAS
I feel that NAS! Keep pushin' knowledge to these losers who continue to create noise pollution!
"There are so many artists that don't respect hip-hop. They don't know its roots," he says, refusing to name anyone specifically. "They're just in it to make money. Once they go platinum, they're like, 'Screw everyone.' They don't even take the time to learn about its pioneers."-NAS
I feel that NAS! Keep pushin' knowledge to these losers who continue to create noise pollution!
Back in NYC..

The Queens are here! I hear that Kelis has been taking up a lot of space on Vanity Pages. Some viewers (or should I say contributors) feel that we should give her a rest. Well all I have to say is that regardless of how we feel about Mrs. Jones, she is hot in the "public" eye. So yes, Kelis has been featured a lot this week, but this is her BEST WEEK EVER on vanity pages!

Save some drank for everybody! Spike Lee with wife Tonya, looking and feeling right for the party!

Nice to see her on the scene!
Michael and Jaunita will be ending their 17 year marriage. Chi-Ching$$$

Sources tells us that it's getting rocky in the Jordan camp again!
It's time for them to just move on. Jordan will have to pay up ($500 million) because sources say that his hands are caught in the cookie jar.
3 Vain Comments:
Is it just me or is Juanita looking a little Michael Jackson-ish in this picture?
she look a hot mess, Just look trashy
what's up with that dress, yuk!
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