Friday, October 12, 2007

The Excited-O-Meter: The Movie Edition

I got this idea from Blender magazine.

American Gangster
Denzel Washington has yet again aroused the hood by bringing another gangster story back to Hollywood.
I recommend not going to any Magic Johnson Theaters because the lines are going to be crazy long. And you know how we love to talk through movies. Showing: November 12

30 Days of Night
and Why Did I Get Married?

30 Days of Night- All Halloween lovers must be totally psyched (I know that was so 80's of me) about this movie. Being the horror movie lover october baby that I am...I can't help but get anxious about this thriller. I hope it doesn't let me down like 28 Weeks Later. This may be bootleg worthy....I don't know. Showing: 10/19

Why Did I Get Married- Hopefully bringing back the real black love stories and drama that had us feeling good during the Love Jones and The Best Man era. I'm feeling real good about the cast and this movie. I am definitely going to support it by not buying the bootleg.
Showing: Now 10/12

May Suck a Mean One-
Rather watch Martin DVD's all night.

Feel the Noise-
The fact that it's produced by J-Lo further lets me know how this will be a waist of anyone's time. If I even hear of any one my friends or associates going to see this movie (which I won't because my people are cool)...our friendship will definitely be in question. Do we really need another HoneyYougotServedSavetheLastDance movie? I'd rather watch the dance scenes from The Last Dragon 50 times before seeing this one. Sorry O fans...this one will be a total dud! Showing: Who Cares?

3 Vain Comments:

RC said...

produced by J.Lo???

that's no good.

Anonymous said...

Really good updates!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for that Denzel Movie. It's taking to long...

Ms Ray